Chosen of the Omnissiah
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.
But FIRST and the foremost, ankurhothot should try and solve the problem at the software level before going for a purchase.
You just can't suggest someone to go out and make a PSU purchase just like that.
(that PSU isn't good enough, I agree on that but it is the later stage)
Have you tried installing the latest AMD driver? Refer to tkin's post #9 for instructions.
That 400w cm psu is not at all recommended for a 6850. Op should change it first.
guru3d also mentions that one of the effects of bad PSU can be crashing of the game.
But yeah it wouldn't hurt the guy to update his drivers.
Change your psu. I guess its cm extreme. That could be the problem.
Yes psu is so vital ...for power hungry gfx cards.
Change the PSU for longevity of your system!!
which smps to go for? 550 or 450 or 460 watt .......which 1?
corsair vx 550 should be the safest bet.
Like vickybat said VX550 is the safest option but if you are on a tight budget you can opt for Gigabyte Superb 460W or VX450.
But FIRST and the foremost, ankurhothot should try and solve the problem at the software level before going for a purchase.

Have you tried installing the latest AMD driver? Refer to tkin's post #9 for instructions.