Game automatically Exits --- NFS_Most_Wanted

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Right off the assembly line

I have started playing NFS_Most_Wanted but the problem is that after the first race gets over as the second race starts the game automatically exits to windows

I got this game on DVD and playing with the help of tools-- Virtual Daemon and Safedisc4 Hider as Mentioned in the Read Me file on the DVD

Can anybody help me fix this problem .......



Right off the assembly line

I have started playing NFS_Most_Wanted but the problem is that after a race gets over as the next race starts the game automatically exits to windows

I have to restart the game for each race

I got this game on DVD and playing with the help of tools-- Virtual Daemon and Safedisc4 Hider as Mentioned in the Read Me file on the DVD

Can anybody help me fix this problem .......



Try using Daemon tools instead of VirtualDaemon. I use NFSMW in the same way except I use Daemon tools.

(this is supposed to be a banned topic)

Third Eye

gooby pls
ajayshuchi said:

I have started playing NFS_Most_Wanted but the problem is that after a race gets over as the next race starts the game automatically exits to windows

I have to restart the game for each race

I got this game on DVD and playing with the help of tools-- Virtual Daemon and Safedisc4 Hider as Mentioned in the Read Me file on the DVD

Can anybody help me fix this problem .......


Can't help you in piracy !
Read the forum rules !


Aspiring Novelist
^I think he means the same thing.Virtual Daemon is another name used for Daemon tools(If I ain't mistaken).It seems to be a clear case of piracy and hence can't be allowed to be provided with a solution.All I can say is that the version posseses bugs which abruptly crashes the game at times for some people.


18 Till I Die............
Closing this thread cos it seems it's a pirated copy. If not then PM me to open this thread, with some proof that the game is original.
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