End of Life of my 3yrs old machine?

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Point Blanc
for some reason or the other mobo is functioning bad due to ports went wrong or something. Which service center you gave your mobo to.
You say most of the problems r coming booting linux.
Have you tried any other distro. I do not know if it becoming driver issue for Linux, going on that part because you say Service center guys find everything fine.

If u r facing a problem and hey cannot find it after your little explanation also, then the person certainly would be dumbass. They need to chek the circuits and ports functioning, as you are getting errors refering to your port. confguring MBR is really not much of an option it could have been due to bad sectors which as you said is not .

Besides I really would say you should ask how the service center guys are checking it, putting all different hardwares to check( I mean are they putting some different RAMS proccy or what), to know if there is any hardware incompatibility issue.
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