login with Administer account
Your Disk/partition should be NTFS
You administer account should have passwords
That other users should not have administer privileges, their account should be standard.
Now Right click on Drives which You like restrict access from another users
click on Properties and go to Security Tab..
click on Edit. then select user from list .If user not in list then click on add. type user name in box and then on right, click on check names. then click OK
after selecting that user, below u will see list with check boxes. so just deny every thing.
Work done.. click ok and Exit the Dialog box.
Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk.
Encrypts an entire partition or storage device such as USB flash drive or hard drive.
Encrypts a partition or drive where Windows is installed (pre-boot authentication).
Encryption is automatic, real-time (on-the-fly) and transparent.
Parallelization and pipelining allow data to be read and written as fast as if the drive was not encrypted.
Encryption can be hardware-accelerated on modern processors.
Provides plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password:
Hidden volume (steganography) and hidden operating system.