Dragon Age: Origins


^^well you can prevent them by clicking on hold position icon...

And you can't defeat high dragons without companions . ..its not god of war..:-/


Who stole my Alpaca!
^^well you can prevent them by clicking on hold position icon...
Yes that you can.

Personally I liked this game alot your choices tended to direct the story in different ways which is what I like. I played all origins and pretty much all specialization other than the shapeshifter which I really wasn't interested in.

If you have access to the DLCs Shale is a way overpowered companion or at least to me she was . Shale and 3 mages including you will pretty much make short work of everything. But again thats the good thing about this game , there's like kabillion ways to slaughter everything. Personally I'm not a fan of melee do to the hassle it is to run to each monster and smack them silly.

And you can't defeat high dragons without companions . ..its not god of war..:-/
Yes you can . Although it would be painfully slow. Check here
Although after reading the comments I see that there has been certain changes to the game so I don't know if it is still possible.


^^+1 nor i do. its team game. Strategy and converstion are main addictions.

Yes you can . Although it would be painfully slow. Check here
Although after reading the comments I see that there has been certain changes to the game so I don't know if it is still possible.

man i'm warrior not mage:cool:


Living to Play
oh i see... guess i'll have to continue anyways..... released a qunari kind of guy from cage, the following bandits are hard to defeat with the mabaris and all.... i want to know what happens when the notifications like> Alistair approves and Morrigan dissaproves etc occurs?

Name of that quanari is Sten. You see the approval of any companion basically means that they agree with you and disapproval means they disagree. Now approval us important for the romantic relationship with that companion and also they'll get a special ability when then approval reaches certain threshold of 25, 50, 75 and 90+ or 100. They well gain respective points like for sten you can increase his strength by 6 points just with approval. Every companion has different skill to be improved with approval.

If you have access to the DLCs Shale is a way overpowered companion or at least to me she was . Shale and 3 mages including you will pretty much make short work of everything. But again thats the good thing about this game , there's like kabillion ways to slaughter everything. Personally I'm not a fan of melee do to the hassle it is to run to each monster and smack them silly.

Yes you can . Although it would be painfully slow. Check here
Although after reading the comments I see that there has been certain changes to the game so I don't know if it is still possible.

If you ask me Shale was underpowered. Never used her at all for me Alistar, Wayne and Leliana were powered. Give me anything when I have them and enemy would be on ground in no time. :D:p


Who stole my Alpaca!
If you ask me Shale was underpowered. Never used her at all for me Alistar, Wayne and Leliana were powered. Give me anything when I have them and enemy would be on ground in no time.
Hmmm perhaps it was the way I play I guess.


Living to Play
Hmmm perhaps it was the way I play I guess.

Well you are there were a lot of combinations in this game. So something are powerful to someone while the same thing is useless to others theatres the beauty of this game. Its completely personal choice what you like and what is more powerful.


HMM... understood... I will then try going the aggressive Morrigan way, and yes the guy's name is Sten, and i kind of hate him as of now, since he's bent on killing evrything and talks like he's some kind of philosopher simultaneously! :wwe:


Living to Play
HMM... understood... I will then try going the aggressive Morrigan way, and yes the guy's name is Sten, and i kind of hate him as of now, since he's bent on killing evrything and talks like he's some kind of philosopher simultaneously! :wwe:

Actually Quanaris are kind of devoid of emotions and they are born to be warriors so that nature is the perk.


I see... The night time battle at redcliffe is becoming a major pain in the butt... the skeletons keep coming from the beach.. i'm still not able to beat the quest, i dont know how to do it(totally oumanned at evrytime in the secon part when they come from the beach), and do i really need revered hanah's blessing for significant effects? she doesn't give me.. and speaking of the battle, is the battle of redcliffe optional(since morigan says not to fight)?


Living to Play
I see... The night time battle at redcliffe is becoming a major pain in the butt... the skeletons keep coming from the beach.. i'm still not able to beat the quest, i dont know how to do it(totally oumanned at evrytime in the secon part when they come from the beach), and do i really need revered hanah's blessing for significant effects? she doesn't give me.. and speaking of the battle, is the battle of redcliffe optional(since morigan says not to fight)?

No you don't need those blessings. Just try to coordinate your team and you will be fine. Wait a minute did you skipped circle of magi and directly go there after camp ?? Of so then I strongly suggest you to complete circle of magi quest before this because there you'll get a valuable companion. I'll not tell the name just go and find out. :)


I played that quest after my level was somewhat high.
Those were easy with Morrigan and Alistair.

I completed circle tower and
killed flemeth
before going to redcliff.