Dragon Age: Origins


Human Spambot
In fade... you will get the skeletal form. after doing 'certain' task. After getting that form, you can transform to it, and walk though flames.

IIRC, the sequence is Mouse, Sloth, Skeleton demon, Gollum.


Living to Play
Piyush said:
NOW I'm in fade
How do i unlock those doors?
and how do i get pass through the flames?
In Fade you will get different forms to pass through different obstacles. For fire you have to be flaming man. And hey there are lot of some kind of structures which will boost your stats like strength and all that permanently. I guess there are 21 of them because thats the no. I got so.....Look out for them for free boost to your stat.


i already received 2 forms :mouse and spirit

and what about those doors?
and those NIGHTMARE places on the FADE map?


Human Spambot
Those doors can be break opened in CID way.. once you get the gollum form.

Nightmare places are where your party members are stuck in false reality. You have to go and free them.


Living to Play
Piyush said:
i already received 2 forms :mouse and spirit

and what about those doors?
and those NIGHTMARE places on the FADE map?
Well like vamsi said Nightmares are places where you have to free your companions. Actually its not really essential to save them but if you don't then they won't accompany you in the last fade battle so beating that boss fight without any companions would be very difficult so free your companions so that they can help you in the battle.


gollum form unlocked
looks like before going into nightmare cells, i've got to go back and receive strength bonuses


Living to Play
Piyush said:
gollum form unlocked
looks like before going into nightmare cells, i've got to go back and receive strength bonuses
Not just strength bonus there are bonus for almost every stat and I guess most of them are for dexterity and strength. Total no. including all stats are 21..So you get points of 7 level ups for free. :))


i was getting bonuses like cunning,constitution,dexterity,magic and strength

the most i received were of cunning(around 10) only 2 of magic which was the least of them all


Living to Play
Well yeah magic has least but cunning is that much??? Maybe the no. changes according to your character because in my playthrough I got very few cunning most were strength and dexterity which are essential for warrior and cunning is essential for you as you are rouge. So yeah it changes according to your character.


right now battling the sloth
i think its the final form right now
morrigan down
2 golems and a wayne making the paste of it :lol:


Living to Play
Why you didn't you bring wayne...I mean she is the best healer in the game. I carries her my whole campaign...Never replaced her at any mission.


ok...did anyone play with mage as the main character?
my friend's story is a bit friend
in the circle of magi tower, he chose some options which led him to kill Wayne
quite shocking to believe as Wayne is a companion in the game
looks like the game only allows 2 mages at a time?


Living to Play
Well actually there are certain points when even you have to fight her to her death if you took wrong decisions. Like when you have to get Urn of Sacred ashes. If you chose to destroy it then Leliana and Wayne will fight you to death. There is also one or two more occasions like one in Magi tower itself although can't remember the exact situation. And one is if you are a mage and you chose to be a blood mage then she will fight you.


ah...now i got it
my friend was boasting of her powers of being a blood mage

btw what about Loaghain Mc Tir
can he become our companion if we don't kill him
my friend said, there comes an option as "ALISTIER or LOGHAIN'


Living to Play
Piyush said:
ah...now i got it
my friend was boasting of her powers of being a blood mage

btw what about Loaghain Mc Tir
can he become our companion if we don't kill him
my friend said, there comes an option as "ALISTIER or LOGHAIN'
Yes he will become your companion if you choose but then Alister will leave the party so your friend was right. Its Alister or him. Personally I would never ever recruit him I mean that ******* betrayed us and left us to die so even I play the game 50 times every time I'll chose to kill him either with my hand or Alister.


hmm....so will i
btw killed that sloth demon
now searching the tower for some good loot and the mission

should i kill flemeth as ordered by morrigan
or make a deal with her about Flemeth's gilmore?
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