Dragon Age: Origins


Cyborg Agent
i do keep chnging the party member

i have gruop it like ths

The Good
Alistir, Liliana and the Dog

The Bad
Morrigan, Sten and Zevrn

However playing with The Bad team works gret, they do lot of dmage to enemies and morrign s ability to spell cast is great

But i like the Good team, as they always agree with me....

Also can you have "fun" with wayne... you know wht i mean :D


Living to Play
that would be more fun... to do flit with her..... :twisted:

also wht is the strategy to romance both morrign nd liliana... as one of them will not like you having fun with other girl
About your first statement no you can't have sex with Wayne as its part of the game its that simple.

About second question. Flirt with Morrigan first as she'll have sex with you early and don't require much requirement and then start flirting with Leliana as she needs 90+ approval to sleep with you then go to Morrigan and break up with her or the same with Leliana. :D:D


Right off the assembly line
Hey sumesara..
no you cant keep both, you're current girl will find out about your activeness with the other and then confront you to choose between them..
it is possible for a gameplay which allows you to sleep with the maximum no. of characters who are sleepable, Morrigan, Lilliana, Zevran even NPCs like Isabella, Desire Demon, the elf you meet at the start when you choose the human noble origin..
or you can install a mod and sex up pretty much anyone..

Also why is everyone calling her as Wayne? Her name is Wynne not Wayne :blank:..please lets say her real name from now:smile: . This has been bothering me since I started reading this thread..


Living to Play
is this breakup is really needed... cant you keep two GF..
Yeah its necessary. You can't keep both of them as they are in the same camp so eventually complain to you about that and then you are given option to keep one of them which basically drops approval from both so its better to break up so that the other one don't talk about subject and get a approval drop. Also you can again gain approval of the gal you broke up by giving gifts and talking to her like in my case I broke up with Morrigan but by the end I had approval of 100 for both Morrigan and Leliana. Leliana as love and Morrigan as friend. Also their dialogue in game changes accordingly like you have Leliana as GF she'll say "Aren't you sweet and attractive" while Morrigan as friend will say "what comes my friend" similarly other party member's dialogue and views about you changes as approval improves. I find getting approval from Zevran hard as he always use to hit on me and I had to stop him that lead to approval drop but for all other party members I got friendly rating with 90+ approval for all party members except Zevran. Quite honestly I didn't liked that guy. Such a assbag.


I didn't like zevran a bit too
I once was thinking that I should have killed him
but "bachcha samajh ke chodh diya" ;)

and regarding girlfriend problem, I chose morrigan over leliana just because leliana was too much "spiritual sort of" for me


Living to Play
I chose Leliana as she is very cute and caring. The first romantic conversation with her was epic. LOL I actually recorded that and uploaded on youtube. She is more like Liara in ME and Morrigan is more like "Don't remember the name" (second female companion in ME).
Even in ME I chose Liara and look even their name has a resemblance. :D:D


Cyborg Agent
well i even dont like Zevran... but he is good fighter...

i like morrigan but she is evil nature......

also my mobo just short... so saving money for new board .......


Living to Play
Yeah Zevran or any meele rogue is a good fighter for small fights. For big fights heck no. They just die too quickly in the battle without doing much damage. I never use 2 rogue in my team. 2 warrior 1 rogue and one mage(healer). If fight is real long then I can even bring 3 warriors but not rogue. Ranged rogues are good though for long fights


Right off the assembly line
Arcane Warrior vs Ogres - Xfire Video

Fighting two elite (a little more powerful than normal) Ogres alone as an Arcane Warrior.. :chucks:


Nice find Anand:)

Well......lot of expectations again, anyways i'll but da3 whatever they make.

Its good to set "marriage" of dao and da2, but i want only some things from da2 that should be added to da3. Some points that i want from da3==>

1. Tactical camera - if they want to make it rpg:-x then it must be included.
2.in da2 battles were so fast that i can't enjoy killing an enemy. They must fix and make a balance between action and rpg.
3. I want return of Wardens as well as something related to Morrigan.
4.Speaking Character - i like this thing in da2.

:idea:Guys say about what you want from da3!!


Living to Play
Well I have lost faith in Bioware after this article.Dragon Age 2 lead dev: “we stripped some stuff out of DA because it was busted”
If they want to please their so called "new fans" who don't know a jack about RPG then clearly they are on wrong way. He said that DAO was busted. Yeah right that why it outperformed all your games you have ever made you jackass.

Quite honestly after Laidlaw as Lead Designer I am not much in DA series anymore. For Fuk sake admit that you did everything wrong with DA2 and make things right in DA3 and instead of that they are saying hey DA2 is great game you just know the game. WTF ???

Are they talking about combat where I just used to just make two firestorms and whole horde of enemies are dead for good. Is this what you call combat on Hard difficulty ??? Seriously ????
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