Welcome buddy.Here I am, a newbie to Dota 2 (just lvl 7 now), with immense experience on MOBA through LOL, asking for tips and build help. Its just couple of weeks that i started playing Dota 2.
I generally play junglers and AD carrys in LOL and have a high liking towards melee champs. I am trying to find some stable and common build items for all the melee carrys like wraith king, juggernaut etc. I need your help in the best build items keeping in mind that i get to farm only moderately (since I roam for ganks a lot). Please suggest the early pick items, mid game build and the end game build (with the core items).
Items with lifesteals and attack speeds give a lot of advantage on melee chars who are purely auto attackers.
Also, please point out other melee characters who can share the common build.
The idea is to master those melees with the set of build and then slowly learn the rest of the items as and when i proceed.
Since you like Melee heroes a lot, I'll go briefly regarding 3 types of melee heroes:
Gankers: Str (strength) gankers are my favorite as well simple bcoz they initiate the battle, chew a couple of heroes and have enough HP to get out of the battle in the end. Heroes like Pudge, Night Stalker, Beastmaster, etc... they are effective when they can take out a certain hero in enemy side so that the rest of the enemy team is left helpless. Items they should have must include some regen, core item (bottle if you are doing mid lane, arcane boots for mana intensive heores, etc) and situational items (which you will learn yourself while playing).
Tankers: As the name suggest, thet absorb most of the dmg in team fight so that your carry can go all out. Heroes like Centaur, Axe, Bristleback are counted among the tankiest tanks in the game. Items must include HP buff and regen items. Vanguard, Hood, Halberd, Heart are good choice.
Carries: Most carry heroes belong to Agility group. Since they have high attack speed as well, items with lifesteal, attack+ movt speed are considered as core. (you can skip lifesteal if any other team member already have Vladimir with him or if you have some passive healing ability) . Vlad, Sange n Yasha, Manta style, Butterfly, Desolator are considered good items for Agi heroes. Sometimes situation ask you for something else than these.
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I'd say put Legion Commander on a horse, like her predecessor.
Then they will have to change lore as well. Because LC from dota 1 have different story from LC in dota 2