boost your win rate.
pick venge,
if you are loosing suicide to roshan/tower/ancient.
WTF. Serious bug.
boost your win rate.
pick venge,
if you are loosing suicide to roshan/tower/ancient.
Can wait.....if you can play your match on Fridaymy data limit is about to be finished(~200 mb) so cannot download the update. i would download it on friday.
edit: if you guys cant wait i can give the win to debarshi
Finally...The International 2014 announced.
July 18-21,2014
boost your win rate.
pick venge,
if you are loosing suicide to roshan/tower/ancient.
333MB done out of 625 and again redownloading full update![]()
That is why I prefer jungling Ursa and avoid any direct confrontation with the enemy until my core items are ready and I have roshed. Blink is a must in order to gank effectively.
- - - Updated - - -
Another counter for Ursa is Ghost Sceptre. All of his damage is physical. Just cast Ghost Sceptre on yourself when he comes to attack you and TP out.
Pick Ogre Magi and stun Ursa in fights until he dies
force staff Yourself and your allies to keep the distance from Ursa
slows and stuns are enough to make ursa dumb in team fights
Pick Ogre Magi and stun Ursa in fights until he dies
force staff Yourself and your allies to keep the distance from Ursa
slows and stuns are enough to make ursa dumb in team fights
Man but his Stun is just 1.5 secs, so low, not enough.
Man but his Stun is just 1.5 secs, so low, not enough.
which game modes you guys play? recently playing captains mode, team communication is good and getting to try new heroes![]()
when ursa is laning aginst you ,you keep on stunning to mess his farm and he will go NC to farm
then at that time you will have boots and soul ring (else farm that first) and Hunt him
ogre has the highest str gain among Int heroes
bloodlust is so important in teamfights and gives little boost to carries especially
bloodlust can be waited to skill so max 1st and 2nd and put a point on 3 rd is enough
and ulti on respective 6,11,16
get the items in these orderOK so what is ideal Build for Ogre for Skills and what items to get. I always get confused in that, also due to babysitting the carry, I never get enough gold to get good items.
get the items in these order
soul ring->arcane boots->Forcestaff->agha->bloodstone/Hex
let another support get mekanism or some tanker especailly BristleBack or Viper
when you are babysitting heroes in safe lanes(radiant-bot ,dire-top)-try to pull NC at :15 and :45 mark-it makes your carry to farm under the tower safely
when you are laning in radiant-top ,you can pull NC camp near the lane so that you can mess their farm and you can get few last hits
remember to gank after lvl 7 or whenever you maxed the stun
ogre can easily Kill the Support/Squishy heroes fastly
Remember to Stun the carries in team fights
Also What about jakiro
I always max LF and IP first and 1st ability at last. TBH hardly use the first ability at all.
For items I go in this order
Boots - Meka - Arg Septer.