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Hardcore Gamer
Because the Unrefined Fireblast got a huge nerf I think. It used to be 165 mana or something. Also, the ult never increased manacost of fireblast from what I remember. Still, the manacost is not too much still.

Anyway, once you play him you will understand his mechanics better.
before patch , unrefined fireblast required 400 mana


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I'll just keep it awhile I guess. Anyone buying the TI4 compendium? (I might)

No compulsion. I was saying that LordNOD organizes Dota 2 tournaments and stuff. He might have a better idea of what to do.

As for the compendium. I haven't really given it much thought. What's new about it this time?
All the matches will be free to watch, but the compendium should give a battle bonus throughout the tournament, items unlocked as per goals, the book of player cards, and this time I think the fantasy leagues will be emphasized more.

Can't think of any new things, too early perhaps?


Im gonna get one for myself like last time. Hoping to get some bonus for guys who bought that f2p bundle... hoping..


Damn bots...


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Broken In
Hi guys. I am new on dota and want to share my experience. Started playing it like a month ago after watching free to play documentary . It's so addictive that I play it 3-4 times on a daily basis. A month ago, I was an absolute noob and now I'm a better noob. I played my first game with drow and got my ass kicked. Everybody was screaming at me and calling me a noob. Then for a week I played with ranged agility hero (especially viper,drow and lion)because I found them easier to play with and score some kills.
After trying most ranged heroes I started playing with the heroes who owned me or got the max kills in the game.
How do you guys choose your heroes and item builds? Should I play random pick or just try the heroes I encounter?
Also, kinda feeling lonely on steam so add me. My account name is: uncommonaman


Ambassador of Buzz
yeah dota community is rather abusive..but you just keep playing.. you will improve..but you should read the guides ..and learn about the game more..try dotafire website they have plenty of guides..
if you ask me..just pick one hero which you find most comfortable with and play him until you figure out about the rest of the game tactics and strategy..and you slowly graduate.. there are lot of guides for new players ,videos etc....the heroes you mentioned even though they give you range advantage are not exactly noob friendly..
the hero i started with was Wraith king..he is tanky and not easy to die..as two lives got a stun..can impact game with minimal items..there is a lot to be explained..and learned..and there are players here who will help you.. just remember it takes a while to get the hang of it..so just keep going...
It will be hell for you, until you reach LVL 13 and start to experience *some* kind of teamplay. Most new players now have to either face fake accounts, russians or the worst, experienced players teaming up with noobs. Try to play some support heroes and learn more about teamplay rather than aiming for max-anything. Do not let the gamification (points, items, drops) get to you. If you want to enjoy the game, NEVER EVER start trading until you are confident enough to play and you know enough to spot a scammer.

And most of all, make friends. If you like someone on your team, let them know and add them. You can find a surprisingly active community of players from India in South East Asia, and I'd suggest you choose EU West instead of EU East if going for European servers.

p.s. Most experienced players might be reluctant to play with you at first because of your level (includes me), and don't take it for a bad remark. Keep the company and play better :D


[MENTION=73844]gameranand[/MENTION] [MENTION=157653]Pasapa[/MENTION] @others_who_are_interested
Help this new guy [MENTION=153243]uncommonaman[/MENTION] since he is new. Since you guys are the recent additions to the members who play dota 2 from Tdf so I think you wont mind playing a pub matches with him :D

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and if [MENTION=114127]debarshi[/MENTION] is ryuuji in steam, then him too :D
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Ambassador of Buzz
guys is something wrong with ranked MM? my MMR is down from 3700 to 3390...yesterday I played with axe and totally owned in early-mid game but our mirana and sf fed like crazy and made bs and np fat and we lost in the end :-x


Living to Play
[MENTION=73844]gameranand[/MENTION] [MENTION=157653]Pasapa[/MENTION] @others_who_are_interested
Help this new guy [MENTION=153243]uncommonaman[/MENTION] since he is new. Since you guys are the recent additions to the members who play dota 2 from Tdf so I think you wont mind playing a pub matches with him :D

- - - Updated - - -

and if [MENTION=114127]debarshi[/MENTION] is ryuuji in steam, then him too :D

How many times you have spotted me play DOTA 2 more than 1 hrs. I hardly play the game, I only play this game only when I get invited by Pika, Bone etc. Also play one match only at the time. Can help him if our time collides, will take him to the bot matches and tell him about the mechanics, items etc. Hell I am still new to this game, I play just 2-4 heroes and that too at learning stage.
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