Some good games listed here : competitive - DotA2
Whats your steam ID ? I wanna play original doto, can u guide me through installation and requirements ? that looks like rocket science to me.
Why do you write
Anyways, to play dota 1 :
1)you must have warcraft frozen throne installed,which in turn requires warcraft reign of chaos!
So you must buy the expansion set of warcraft 3.(costs around 800rs)
2)After installing wc3 and wc3 FT make sure that you have the latest patch/version.If not then change the version by downloading warcraft version changer utility.
3) Install garena client on your pc,make an id ,register,you know the drill.
4)Download the latest dota map (6.67b i guess) and paste it in the maps folder.
5)Start warcraft through Garena.
6)Click on Lan,you will see various servers,join one,wait till 10 players arrive,wait for the host to start,enjoy!
But let me tell you,after playing dota 2 you will not like dota 1, because :
1)It is harder,for eg, you have 6-7 shops ,you have to check the item in each shop for making a greater item,that means you have to remeber almost 100 items and in which shop you can buy them.Also their is no "qwert" you have to download utilities for macroing etc.
2)Players dc more often,and their are a million ways to ruin a game.There is no Ban,or lpp or anything like that.
3)You will often find yourself playing with noobs no matter what your level.
4)Unstable servers!
Overall you will never play dota 1 if you have dota 2 in your pc (until and unless it is upgrading,thats when i used to play dota 1
That game is amazing!You cannot call yourself a gamer unless you play warcraft rc and ft! I mean you can control
20 naix,10 pudge,10 weavers,10 ods ,if you choose the undead,similarly 10 puck,10 windrunner etc if you chose elf and so on!
But i dont recommend spending money and time for dota 1 unless ofcourse you want to try new heroes!but that is it,and dota 1 heroes are gradually coming to dota 2,so no sense in dota 1!