Do UFOs/Aliens exist, is Time Travel possible and more...


M$™ Certified Spammer
true, we cant just create time and live in it, its bs guys, people shudnt even be thiinking about it


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
freshseasons said:
I still insist..time travel is rubbish..with all the aplomb.
I will tell you how..
First. the basic law of the universe.Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It only changes form.
And energy = matter.

So imagine the weird.If you are able to time travel , and visit yourself in the past there will be 2 of you.And imagine someone from future again visiting you.This will make it 3...and this should go on forever.
Now practically whole of the country decides to time travel and all people amongst all dimensions land at the same time.This country will have no place to keep all. Weird to imagine.
So this way the universal law is contradicted.
I told you..time travel is silly.Thats it ...!
Have u tried to understand what i told
case 1 is possible(proved concept)
case 2 is still in debate


Techie By Heart
Lets stop this time travel part. its so creepy. it creeps me out even thinking about it. think wat could go wrong if it was possible.


Techie By Heart
i was gone for a will & every1 stopped posting. wat the heck.;)
Now i back lets start back;):D

thanx for the reply in the graphics section;):)


Nokia 7110 to iPhone 5
In this whole debate, I just have a few things to say..

Everybody knew that earth was flat... Until Columbus found the truth.
Everybody laughed on the idea of a human flight... until Wright Brothers did it.

In the early 19th century, your grandfather might have not believed if someone had said that a device, smaller than his palm would connect him to his buddy 27000 kms away in a matter of seconds!
The MPFI chip fitted in your bike is more powerful than what they had in Apollo11!!

It's not about what you know, or what you believe. It’s about what you'll know tomorrow! We cannot prove the existence of Ghosts, God, Aliens, Afterlife etc. but we cannot even deny them. When there's no light in the room, you cannot assume that the room is empty. We can see the truth; we just need to turn the right switch on!!
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Abhishek Dwivedi
but i think if we travel back into the time den we are disturbing the past-present-future serise da way....

eg: if 2day i travel back to time of newton and catch da apple which fell on his head den imagin what will happen...or i go back in time and shoot maslf den....


Nokia 7110 to iPhone 5
Abhishek Dwivedi said:
eg: if 2day i travel back to time of newton and catch da apple which fell on his head den imagin what will happen...

nothing, but u might have smoked the old man for robbing his apple of fame!! LoL


Commander in Chief
Abhishek Dwivedi said:
but i think if we travel back into the time den we are disturbing the past-present-future serise da way....

eg: if 2day i travel back to time of newton and catch da apple which fell on his head den imagin what will happen...or i go back in time and shoot maslf den....
Of course, disrupting the Space-Time Continuum will cause changes, not necessarily permanent or long lasting, to the future. But that's provided you do know a way to travel back in time. And while you're at it, if you travel to the future instead, it'd be an altogether different future that probably wouldn't know of a unique time travelling machine and would change when you lead the world to a different path using your invention. Thinking about all that does give you brain-gasms, enjoy that for the moment. Like Bickford Schmeckler's Cool Ideas, yeah.

Abhishek Dwivedi
ur right....i even thought about the universe....i have a kind of a theory...i do not belive in universe being endless...there is end 2 everything....what is endless is a system with a center and particles revolving around or near about it in different orientations...depending upon dere nature and properties...


Right off the assembly line
I dunno about UFOs but the living things do exsist outside earth! Ya, in one of the jupitors satelites(named europa)!


Multicore Mutant
Hey guys i found a wierd stuff on Google earth via another forum.

Just enter
37 38 46.29 N,115 45 02.56 W
in the search box

WTeffin thing is that ???


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
^^its a place called "little alien" near area 51, and that picture is near to it

here is an interesting video
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