In the zone
From the site:
DT is offline!
Our financial situation has been critical for the past few months, and the donations very slow. Since DT is a torrent site, our advertisers are not being kind to us either. You may have noticed recently that all the ads were removed from the site.
Currently we are looking for donations or else we'll be forced to shut this site down. The traffic is increasing and so is the cost of maintaining our servers.
Please donate, even if its a small amount and save this website. DT will be closed until we have reached our goal amount. In the mean while, we'll be studying other strategies to overcome the rising bills. Thanks.
DT is offline!
Our financial situation has been critical for the past few months, and the donations very slow. Since DT is a torrent site, our advertisers are not being kind to us either. You may have noticed recently that all the ads were removed from the site.
Currently we are looking for donations or else we'll be forced to shut this site down. The traffic is increasing and so is the cost of maintaining our servers.
Please donate, even if its a small amount and save this website. DT will be closed until we have reached our goal amount. In the mean while, we'll be studying other strategies to overcome the rising bills. Thanks.