Its been 2-3 weeks I'm playing this game. Still ways to go. And, why not!!!
Look at the quests and lengths of quests! They are lots in number.
In first part we had side quests but not in such big numbers. Her we get main story, along with side quests, side quests of side quests...and two-three levels deep. Actually I'm enjoying these side quests too. Why? because of the awesome combat and powers of Death. I'm liking him more than War. Sure I miss the Sword but his
Scythe and gauntlets actions are way cooler. Gameplay is 'again' inspired by so many already famous games that I should not waste more time in this. There is a story but I'm more interested in fights and treasure hunting.
They have revamped the weapon system for Death. Lots of choices for primary and secondary weapons. My fav. are "Possessed Scythes" and "Possessed Gauntlets". Because...then can be upgraded more to accompany even cooler moves or skills or extra features (health steal, wrath steal, reaper energy steal....)
Then special abilities. "Teleport slash" and "Harvest" are my fav. till now.
And, the reaper form also gets upgraded with time to "Advanced Reaper"!!!
It would have been a pity if it were a short period where you hardly get to use all powers, weapons as it happened with "Batman : AC"; in the middle of the game Joker is dead, Batman is fully upgraded and nothing to do.....FFFFUUUU
So, quest thugs/monsters/semi bosses/bosses/mega bosses lotsa people to fight and test your weapon skill. Use various combination of Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Body Armor, Talisman. If these boss fights do not satisfy you, fights in Crucible are waiting for you. Its like in game fight for certain levels and after each checkpoint either you accept reward and leave arena or continue. If you die you get nothing.
Then for more there is puzzles. MAZE. I'm yet to enter there. Got most of the secret codes for the levels in "Soul-watever-maze'
Issues: Bought a new GFX card only to play this one in full HD but getting much lags. Now resolution is changed. Game lags at times, mouse pointer gets stuck or focus is reset. Rest is alright.
In short: POP might boast of having the best story (which is undeniable) and Witcher could boast of best GFX/Artwork with sword fighting (which also I agree) but best true-blue "Hack&Slash" is going to be "Darksiders" series
for me.
Posting few screenshots.
Khel Khattam! This boss was a real PITA for me. Wasted hours to device a strategy to defeat it.
Face your Death!
I was so overwhelmed with its size I just quit the game the moment the cutscene ended
Came back next day gathering courage and little hope.
First stone!
Nailed it!
Another PITA. I took time to understand the mechanism. I have to press 'E' when it falls rather hitting it! I kept on hitting it and everytime it got back up with regenerated life.
The End!
Dead Ghorn!