DarkSiders II


Fortune favors the brave
According to me there is a bug :After talked to lilith when I tried to continue main quest , the phasewalker didn't work ( i shot at the disk but nothing happened ). ,i restarted the game but its still not opened so i delete my save games and completed the whole game again(I have 25 hour of play All in vain) this time i succeed in opening the Portal

Solution to Bug:

1: Don`t go to the Area if u haven`t acquired the Phase walker Ability Yet.
2:After talking to this Lady Demon u acquire Phase walker Ability

Guys! whats the shortcut key for closing the Portal on keyboard?
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Staff member
The Maul


The Eternal Throne


The Arena

Scarab Hulk

Gnashor (get near him and smash him with the heaviest weapon)

Leaving The Arena


Super Moderator
Staff member
game perfectly playable using KB+Mouse or do I need to have a xbox 360 controller ??


Living to Play
Well hack n slash are meant to be played with a controller. KB and mouse control won't be that good for sure.


Living to Play
Its the button hammering and all that makes it pain to play on KB. I had tried playing DMC4 using kb and mouse. Terrible experience.


Fortune favors the brave
Vigil Promises Fixes For Janky PC Darksiders II In 'The Weeks To Come'

We are working on fixes for a number of bugs which can potentially block progression that have come to our attention, while also exploring adding additional features you have been asking for. This work includes vsync updates, improved shadow map resolution, X-axis options and additional keyboard mapping options (amongst other community requests). We hope to roll out a number of patches to address these issues in the weeks to come.
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Human Spambot
Now in the City of Angels. No.. I am talking about Los Angeles. :D

Feeling kind of boring now. Also, had to allot time to study. I am finding difficult to spare the time for the game. :(


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ means we can't change any gfx/audio/gameplay options ?? - even not the resolution and refresh rate ??


Staff member
^^Yes, resolution can be changed.

I still consider POP WW to be a better game in the same league. This was fun too but the story and epicness in POP WW was better.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ Thanks for the info. BTW, here's a new patch for the game :

Good Guy Vigil Fixes Darksiders 2 Bugs, Compatibility For PC

PC Patch #2 Details:

• In this patch your key mappings will revert to defaults.

• Added Key Bindings option to the Pause Menu. (Previous location on the Moves List still there)

• The V-sync graphics option is now functional.

• Reaper Form now triggers correctly when using a Keyboard.

• Video Settings save to the Steam Cloud correctly.

• You can now sacrifice items below the 3rd row in the Possessed Weapon menu.

• Target Reticules align properly at all screen resolutions.

• Addressed crashes in Blackstone, including at the 2nd lever and during the Lilith cut-scene.

• Various gameplay progressions fixes.

and here's the most interesting part :

Supposedly, there will be yet another patch inbound to add more graphics tweaking options and further compatibility to give PC gamers a few more options to play the game the way it was meant to be played on PC

so I'll wait till they release the patch no. 3.


Staff member
Encountered these:

• You can now sacrifice items below the 3rd row in the Possessed Weapon menu.

• Target Reticules align properly at all screen resolutions.


Firecracker to the moon
But no doubt the game is fun :).
According to me this segment feels cheap-When you press shift and focus on a enemy there name comes up in red.That looks lame,They should work on it :/


Living to Play
Well POP series had one of the best story till date and game was also awesome. But lets leave it to that and move on and enjoy other games.
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