Crysis 3


then instead of using new image links for same images the old post should be quoted because they are cached in browser since they are already loaded once so it wont cause longer load times.
For eg the boxshot above was already there in previous page .
Its painful on Mobile Specially with Opera Mobile even with Turbo on.


Long Live Gojira!
Look at these images

How in God's name?

Is Alcatraz holding like this?


Or like this?


You decide.


^^Everyone has got their own reason to keep themselves excited about the game:wink:
Some are more concerned about the system req while others are speculating the next gen Visulas while some are Stuck with Bow or Crossbow thing.
Mine is-The trailer has dark atmosphere so i have made up mind that its going to feature some horror elements though more or less i know that it wont be there in a fast paced futuristic Shooter.See thats my reason:p


Staff member
How in God's name?

Is Alcatraz holding like this?

You decide.
Compound bow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


look future's tech is already in 2012


^:lol:exactly, it has pulleys. Alkatraz has a compound bow.

@sujeet for me its just a shooter with shining graphics, and i'll blow it out for one or two times. (i'm rpg and tps-action/gta fan)

Btw i liked new dark idea.


Firecracker to the moon
When the first Crysis was released in 2007, it set a new benchmark for graphics and impressed fans with its fluid mixture of stealth and first-person shooter gameplay.
The game placed you into the Nano-suit of an American super-soldier named Nomad, sent to investigate an island swarming with North Korean soldiers and hostile alien creatures.
Crysis 2 was released last March and picked up the story several years later, with the alien invasion moving to New York.

Players were also pitted against the greedy Cell Corporation - a greedy military contractor intent on world domination.
But the game was criticised for being too slow and trading the popular jungle environment in the first game for an urban landscape.
Now Crytek - the game's creator - has announced a third instalment in the series which they say has been crafted from the successes and failures of the past two games.
"We learned very different things from Crysis 1 and 2, and we're now taking those learnings and combining them into this project," Crytek's senior creative director Rasmus Hojengaard told
"One thing we want to do is get the game going a little quicker. We want you to be in the midst of a conflict very quickly.
"Combining great storytelling and characters with amazing visuals is the footing that we've found with Crysis 3 - we've made this a much better game. It's richer on every level."
The new game takes place twenty years after the last, in a future New York that has literally been transformed into a rainforest by a huge Nano-dome. Essentially, it's a hybrid of the environments of the first two games.
The demo I saw put the player into the shoes of Prophet - one of the series' recurring characters - as he stalked through the urban jungle in the Nano-suit.

He was able take out aliens with an advanced super-bow while communicating with Psycho - a British super-soldier last seen in the first game.
Mr Hojengaard said both Prophet and Psycho have been changed in the years since we last saw them.
"Time has affected Prophet and Psycho, but in different ways,” he said.
"The thing about the Nano-suit is that once you're in it, you're not a regular human anymore. It's a little bit like being on some very advanced drug. This thing affects your body until you take it off.
"Obviously there'll be consequences if you're in this thing for fifty years and suddenly you take it off. Things will start happening to you and that's a concept we're playing around with."
He also said that the gameplay will also be a mixture of the last two instalments.
"We want to have sections that are linear like Crysis 2, but we also want to have open sections that are more sandbox. Each gameplay provides different rewards for the player.
"It's much easier to make something epic and grand if you have a linear section, but it's much easier to feel like you're smart and taking control of things if you have a lot of choice.
“So we're using the right type of gameplay at the right moment. We're not sticking to one or the other, we're trying to do what's best for that point in the game."
And what about Nomad - the main character of the first game who was mysteriously absent throughout Crysis 2?
"He won't be returning as a character, but you'll be seeing some part of him. I'll let you figure out what the means."

Read more: Crysis 3 will learn from past mistakes and success, says Rasmus Hojengaard | Online Video Games Reviews & News |

Source:Crysis 3 will learn from past mistakes and success, says Rasmus Hojengaard | Online Video Games Reviews & News |


Super Moderator
Staff member
7 minutes of Crysis 3 First Take:-

Crysis 3 Video Game, First Take HD | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos |

User reactions remain mostly negative, some samples:-

7 minutes? You should shorten this is video to few second: Guys, this is Crysis 2, but with a little bit different maps and number 3 after Crysis.

TBH PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 is holding back the evolution atm. There is no reason to make new engines and new technology (better graphics) when consoles like the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 can't cope with it anyway. New games like this are tailormade for the old consoles and then ported to PC. Epic fail. It should be the other way around.
Sorry if I don't get my hopes up for this game but I don't think there will be anything new under the sun...

go **** yourself crytek fanboy,i have all games from crytek specially the awesome farcry,you call me a hater because you have youre fanboy goggles on and cant see flaws.And yes i can tell from a 20secs video including all the other factors,the game is another crysis2 or better crysis2.5,and i dont give a **** about metacritic,i play games for more than 20years,you were probably on youre father testicules when i started playing games,and its called experience.And yes its gonna suck,like any other games out there i told it was going to suck. And if a sequel is suppose to look so much like the prequel how the **** did crysis2 ended up so different from the prequel? take youre head out of youre ass

And the best:-

Has billion dollar equipment, uses stone age weaponry


^^ The 2nd last guy is a d!k for sure!
n00b at most.There are millions of moron-haters like him left stray on internet.:p

The last one is witty.:razz:
Guys check out the link posted by Skud.
The comments are hilarious!:rofl:
Crytek fanboys are riding the a$$ES OF HATERS.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I am not a Crytek fan anymore. :neutral:

But do agree some of the flak drawn by them were needless/baseless.
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