Wise Old Owl
It certainly is an Overkill at that Resolution. If you plan on connecting the pc with a TV or plan on buying a new monitor later you can Choose the config.
But without a good display HD7970 is over kill.HD 7970 Performs Higher than a HD 7870 .
Buddy, don't just jump and sell off the Monitor if you have budget restriction for now. 1600X900 is also good and you can actually enjoy all the games with highest settings, AA and AF enabled. Take your time for upgrading the monitor.
AA : Refers to Anti-aliasing, in layman's terms, a technique of making rough edges smooth in games so, you get to experience better image quality at the cost of performance.
AF : Refers to Anisotropic Filtering. It is a mechanism that enhances image/texture quality that are viewed at an angle resulting in sharper textures and enhanced image quality.
Both, these technologies are higly resource consuming and hence the reason for opting high end graphics cards.
Depends on what task you are performing.
The fx8350 is more vfm, being almost 7k cheaper than the i7.
AMD FX-8350 8-Core Black Edition Processor Review - Final Thoughts and Conclusion - Legit Reviews
A i7 + mobo will cost around 30k while the fx8350 + mobo can be had for around 18k.
You just become a fanboythank god i dint finalised my rig ... i also posted a thread few days back for 50k rig .. and nobody suggested me for the amd config.. evry1 said to go for the intel i5 3470 ... but now after seeing the majority of amd over intel here .. im defenitely going to buy the fx 8350 .. and i saw the link also .. Man , i cant let this processor go .. its pretty good when compared to 3470 wid some extra features .. like higher clock rate and the no. of cores .. by seeing the next gen consoles .. this really makes it worth buying!!
After so much suggestion is this rig good?
CPU: Intel Core i5-3550K - 14.5K
Mobo: ASRock Z77 Extreme4 - 10.5K
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 1600 MHz 8GB -3000 or RAM: G.Skill RipjawsX 1600 MHz 4 GBx 2
GPU: Sapphire HD 7850 2GB GDDR5 - 14.5K
Cabinet: NZXT 210 Elite - 2.6K
PSU: Corsair GS600 - 4.8K
The new processor that you posted above is it better than core i5 3550k?