Change order of context menu items in windows


True Techie
Source : MyTechYard- Computer tips, tricks, technology news, tutorials, game reviews

Context menu can also be called as right-click menus . Context menu has different actions , listed in a particular order . The options available depend upon the file type and the installed applications for the file type.

In this tutorial , We explain how you can configure you own context menu or modify the default context menu for a given file type. Lets say, when you right click on a MP3 file, you will see the following context menu.
Just as an example, we will now try to modify this context menu. We will put “Play” as the second option , and “Add to Windows Media Player list” as first.

Steps :
– Download the default programs editor : *
– Unzip the package , and open Default Programs Editor.exe.

– Take a backup of your registry.

– Click on FileType settings

– Choose Context Menu


– Now choose the type of file you want to change the context menu. Which is .MP3 format


– Now select the Add to media player playlist, Set as default , and Save the context menu.


– Choose it as default and save it.

– Your updated Menu looks like this !


Yeah that’s done …. Now when u double click a MP3 file it just adds up to play list!!!
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