Camera talk...



Aspiring Novelist
Recently, I learned that I can use external flash with my compact SX130. It's possible with most of the compact cameras, not necessary that the camera should have external hot shoe for flash. Even Nikon's SB600, SB800 works with SX130.. But....

Just that the flash is expensive and have to spend more than what I spent for my camera :)


Grand Master
how did u try that nac...just dont fry ur camera with high voltage flashes....even DSLR cuircuits burn up if used wrong type of before u do anything like that


Aspiring Novelist
No, I didn't try that. But I had this doubt for a very long time. Even I didn't believe when there were sellers selling external flash for powershot cameras. In fact, it is Canon's own product. But this doubt raised when I watched videos in digitalrevtv, a youtube channel.

I read this article, I don't know where I found that article. Where the author has experimented this technique with his compact. It works with radio frequency (no cable) like a slave flash. In-camera flash activates this slave when we press shutter button. It doesn't have any kind of direct contact, so no harm will be done to the camera.


Grand Master
ok soo u r talking about optical slave...hmm then its ok ...but optical slave flash cost a lot may cost as much as ur camera cost :D


Allllright !
Recently, I learned that I can use external flash with my compact SX130. It's possible with most of the compact cameras, not necessary that the camera should have external hot shoe for flash. Even Nikon's SB600, SB800 works with SX130.. But....

Just that the flash is expensive and have to spend more than what I spent for my camera :)

How is that possible without a 3pin connector?


This might sound crazy, but is there any benchmarking system for Image Quality? Instead of manually comparing images side by side could a computer program evaluate sharpness ,fringing , noise ,detailing etc?


Cyborg Agent
This might sound crazy, but is there any benchmarking system for Image Quality? Instead of manually comparing images side by side could a computer program evaluate sharpness ,fringing , noise ,detailing etc?



Aspiring Novelist
Sometimes, their ratings make me doubt it.

For example, SX50 is better than G15 in terms of IQ and low light. I can't buy this. And almost all or may be all of the Canon's equivalent of Nikon is better...

Read something in the other forum, that there are external flash is available for 2.5k and under for digital camera. But all of them were talking about using it with their DSLR, but I think it also works with compact camera. Just that they are china made cheapo external flash. The discussion about the flash were on high about a year ago.

Now I am thinking of that external flash. What would I do, if I get it??? I guess, I will go crazy :crazy: for few days to a week.


Grand Master
no nac I will give you a simple answer ...just find a yougnuo flash with optical slave and u r done ...there was a model I forgot maybe its name was YN460II had manual mode and optical slave ...u can manually set the power of flash and use ur popup flash to fire it ..but the only issue is the external flash should see the popup flash else it wont fire.


Aspiring Novelist
Thanks for the model no. Sujoy.

I have few doubts. Whats that guide no.? And flash trigger only works if the camera has hot shoe or even camera like mine can do?


Grand Master
guide number is the power of flash...more the guide number flash will be more powerful..but chineese company guide numbers r not correct...soo check review before deciding.

no, hot shoe is not case of optical flash u need just optical slave technology in external flash....but for radio frequency triggers u need proper hot shoe


Grand Master
nac remote flash trigger is just a term flash can be triggered by
1. radio frequency
2. optical slave
3. flash extension cord
4. some high end have a flash commander mode which can trigger slave flash without any accesories nikon CLS


Aspiring Novelist
Something like this.

Yongnuo RF-603 N3 2.4GHz Radio Wireless Flash Trigger / Shutter Release | eBay

Based on your last two posts I assume that it's point # 1 thus we need a hot shoe in the camera to use/experience this device/feature. And the shutter release in the ebay link, connects camera and one of the remote flash trigger???


Grand Master
mmm nac did u notice that I already have that yongnuo RF-603 N3 and its there in my signature too :D :D

yes it needs proper hot shoe...and we can trigger it with radio frequency ...they come in pairs and one is paired with flash and other on the hotshoe of camera


Aspiring Novelist
Thank you Sujoy.

:D Yeah, I see them now...

I am looking for a image/file sharing website where I want to create folders/subfolders and share the links of the images uploaded somewhere. Is there any available? Can you guys help me find one?


Thank you Sujoy.

:D Yeah, I see them now...

I am looking for a image/file sharing website where I want to create folders/subfolders and share the links of the images uploaded somewhere. Is there any available? Can you guys help me find one?


Just like older flickr. Just started using it. Flickr, on my 128kilobit konnection takes ages to load .


Grand Master
you can use skydrive...u can create folders in it and share the link ...I have uploaded my whole collection of photography on that


Aspiring Novelist
The point is no uploading directly in the site. Just gonna share the link of the images uploaded somewhere else (like flickr, imageshack...). Something like how we share our pictures here in TDF. But I wanna create folders and subfolders which is not possible here.


Grand Master
nac try sky drive desktop uploader and just drag drop ur pic folder directly or ur folders in that...
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