Calling all Insomniacs..


 Macboy
Ey guys I'm coming to Mumbai. Will be there for one day (Monday). Am already meeting up with Preshit and Mehulved. Anyone else free for an ice cream or burger? The scheduled place for meet up is Malad.
updated N73ME firmare to v4.0812.4.2.1 21 21/3/2008/ .this is the latest available. something mobiletv etc is shown.heck!what is the use :?

my N73ME hanged for the first time today :( .I have to remove the battery to escape the lock. then ,it was the microsd card which was the culprit. formatted it and removed some unwanted progies. now OK :)


BSD init pwns System V
eh.. new pic T159.. and praka123.. what the hell happened.. was your account deleted by our mod.. goobi.. this is not fair yaar.. now he'll just raise a 1000 posts within a few weeks..


Tribal Boy
Reporting ...

Just had a conf with client. Going to sleep soon.

Checked Mobileme with the temp account Goobi sent. Looks nice so far.
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