Calling all Insomniacs..


Tribal Boy

Goobi, mobileme is ok for you ?

Seems they launched iPhone 3G, but India - wait till September according to HT :(


Beyond Smart
I have my fingers crossed as I am a prospective iphone buyer too i.e. if it does not intend to burn a hole in my pocket ;)


 Macboy
Taking time sending out emails about the change in ID. My God, Gmail Contacts has accumulated a lot of junk to go through!


BSD init pwns System V
hey goobi.. how do i sign up for the trial of Mobileme.. it isn't there.. it says that they'll notify me soon ASAP when it is launched..

@Din sir..
your baby is cho chweet.. I just visited your blog..
Is he sleeping or just insomniac like you
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 Macboy
Din is NOT an insomniac. Calling him one brings shame to the term.

As for the Mobileme trial account, apparently one requires a credit card to get one. And ankurboy got charged while he tried to! So don't attempt that now.

I got a trial account as well if you want to check it out.


BSD init pwns System V
ha ha.. so what's the URL of your MobileMe account.. I want to see the Photo Gallery interface that I saw in the guided tour..


 Macboy
Pity I don't know myself. I'll upload some pics and then let you know. my userid is the same as <<< so if you can figure it out from there...


 Macboy
Wow! The service is really fast right now! Almost desktop class responsiveness! This is what I've been waiting for baby!

Here's the URL. Just dumped a couple of pics in there randomly. Don't read too much into it.

And here is my web gallery link.
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BSD init pwns System V
Nicepics.. the gallery is the same as it used to be on .Mac..

and that bike is hot.. i came to know from a friend in Pune that they opened a showroom there.. you might wanna check that out..
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 Macboy
The part of the gallery I was excited about was the web app. That is really smooth. Uploads really fast, and the interface is so fluid. Feels like a desktop client.

As for the bike, well, I can only dream. Not going all the way to Pune to see one. In any case, my friend is buying some kind of R (not the R15) and he said I'll get to ride it whenever I want! I'm so happy for his success!


BSD init pwns System V
Must be a Yamaha R1 (999cc, 180bhp, 0-100 3.2s) or Yamaha R6 (599 cc,134bhp) both the bikes rock.. i'm so jealous of your friend :D


Tennis match got cancelled this morning. Now I'm mad.
Incidentally, i'm looking to buy a new bike... the eco-friendly type. since my budget is a max of 10k any suggestions? Im a newbie- learning how to ride.
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