Calling all Insomniacs..


Democracy is a myth
clear me one thing..............
r Digit forum rules getting relaxed a bit..............

initially we had rules discussion on torrents, no discussion on torrent invitation...............couldn't find d clauses in d latest version..........:confused:
I don't know much about Rock On except its crazy song Socha Hai. I had to play it for a show WITHOUT a bassist or a drummer, with only a lead guitarist to help me out. Meaning, I had to do the chords on my accoustic to make 'em sound good enough to NOT make people miss the drums and the bass. Did a half decent job, but the embaressing part was when my pick fell off my hands :oops:

Anyway, talking about movies, I just managed to get enough free time to finally watch that old movie, Jannat. Guess what ? It was my Rs. 50/- well spent on the moser baer DVD of that movie. Its an awssome movie, about Gambler's Ruin. Liked it mainly because it reminded me of a certain friend whose name I can't mention here.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
This post is to notify the Members viewing this thread that user IronManForever was present here 48 Minutes 53 Seconds ago and typed the message.

Using a custom microphone detecting only low frequency human snoring sound and a hacked firmware, the onboard Realtek AC97 and accompanying driver was re-programmed to give Enter command to the fefault browser window which was left open. The command was initiated upon recieving the aforementioned SSS(Snore Sound Signal) and a System-Wide Shutdown had been timed out.

The Current status: Counting.
..... Aborting; Toilet flushing sound detected. Following command....

Hey guys, whatsup? :neutral:


Cyborg Agent
My $!!#@$%! BSNL broadband has been down again for the past 72 hrs. Just came online on dial-up for a quick browse. After having used BB for several months, I just don't have the patience to keep going on dial-up. So hello and goodbye, fellow-insomniacs.
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