Aniket Chakraborty
Broken In
Processor :: Intel i3 3220 :: 6600
GPU :: Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 2GB GDDR5 Graphics Card :: 14000
Motherboard :: Gigabyte b75m dh3 :: 4200
RAM :: Corsair Vengeance DDR3 4 GB :: 1700
Monitor :: dell 20" LED :: 6800
KB & mouse :: Logitech MK200 :: 700
PSU :: Corsair cx500v2 :: 3600
DVD drive :: asus :: 1000
HDD :: WD Caviar Black 1TB :: 5600
Cabinet :: NZXT Source 210 Elite:: 2700
^Good but I would suggest FX6100.
I know i3 is better in apps but in online gaming i3 ain't that great.
Fx6100 + Gigabyte 970a DS3 rest of the stuffs are same as above.
HD7850 is a very good card for mordern games and is much much better than the HD7770 which the op has planned to buy.