Bug in all versions of Photoshop!

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Hi Guys!

I must say that Photoshop is one of the best photo editing software available with undoubtfull the most number of features available. I am a casual used or Photoshop and during my process of learning about this software, I found a bug which actually may not be a bug and can be solved with some kind of setting.

I feel that images look a bit more yellowish when opened in Photoshop than with any other image viewing or editing software. I am attaching a file which I opened in different photo editing/viewing softwares including Photoshop CS2 and took a print screen of all. See the difference...

Photoshop CS2

Irfan View

Misrosoft Photo Editor

Google Pisaca

Microsoft Paint Brush

The problem is that when I do the color settings in any image in Photoshop, after saving the file and opening in any other editor, the colors look absolutely different. Now, can this error be resolved with help of some setting present or is this actually a bug.

Thank you.
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Commander in Chief
Its not a bug but a setting. You have to change the color balance settings and it'll stop doing that :) (CMYK vs RGB I guess)


Which one do you suggest. Mine is as below...

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 Macboy
Try Adobe RGB. You will also have to set your colour settings systemwide to Adobe RGB. The better way is to create a new profile based on your monitor. There should be a tool in the control panel of windows, Adobe Gamma or something like that. Create a profile there and use it in photoshop as well. I've forgotten how things work in Windows, so I can't really help you with how to set colour.

Oh. I see you are already using Adobe RGB...

What is your color profile for systemwide?
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I am using Adobe RGB ( 1998 ) for both Photoshop as well as for Windows...

Hey guys, thanks for all the help. Sorry to call it a bug as it actually turned out to be a setting. I had actually selected Adobe RGB(1998) as the color profile in Photoshop and a different color profile for my over all system and monitor, and that is what was actually creating a problem. After setting my monitor also to the same profile, things turned up right, although I am still not able to understand why is this happening. But I guess for that I will have to do a lot of home work with Photoshop. So that is what I am going to do now.

Thanks anyways...
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 Macboy
I am using Adobe RGB ( 1998 ) for both Photoshop as well as for Windows...
Nice one...:angry smiley:

As for colour profiles, they are just what they are, colour profiles. It's the way colour is displayed. Now photoshop has specific colour settings cause you need to see exactly what colour is going to look like after print. If you are going to print at different printers, you need to change you colour accordingly.


 Macboy
There's a sort of wizard based utility from adobe right there in your control panel. At least from what I can remember in my Windows days...
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