Wire muncher!
Why did FF not sue MS? Straight forward answer - Mozilla is a very different company than Opera. Opera has to survive in the market.. pay it employees.. if comptt. crushes it with unfair means it will go bankrupt.. so fight till you are right.. as for FF, if mozilla shuts down FF will be taken over by the OSS community.Beta 1 was released very soon after that for all the "ppl" to test it themselves.
What makes this whole thing interesting is the fact that Firefox did not choose to sue MS, wonder why? 'coz they have enough users and also have the distros bundling Firefox. Opera, no. Opera had no choice, MS was an easy target. Sue firefox the whole internet will fall on you, because it is "open source". Opera was no where, it could not sue Firefox, it had to sue MS before IE 8 beta was out, otherwise they would lose the smallest bit of ray of hope that would give them some support, ie. IE's incomplete adherance to "web standards". That is the whole problem. Heck, Apple came out with Safari for WIndows, they even cheekily bundled it with iTunes uypdate. They could have sued MS for IE. They did not, 'coz Safari has it's share of OS X users. It was Opera who was no where on any of the platforms, even though it is as good as members here claim it tobe. It was no where in terms of usage. MS was an easy target, they were being investigated, so the easiest and safest solution that will get you good will and some support - Sue MS.
Why did Apple not sue MS? They haf better things to worry, like the upcoming Snow Leopard!
I'll give you a classic example.. You must've known about the recent protests in Kerala with regards to Reliance stores selling veggies. The small farmers protested.. why? coz farming is the main business for them.. similarly opera is a company totally reliant on its web browser and a for-profit organization. I'm not blaming MS here... or not-blaming opera here.. as the saying goes, when you are become big, every small action of yours is taken note of.. and everyone will try to extract as much as possible from you. Pallab rightly said: With power comes responsibility.
Sir... sorry to inform you but this thread has got NOTHING TO DO WITH WINDOWS OR GNU/LINUX OR ANYTHING.. so plz keep your "wise" guidance outta this thread! Go create a new thread for it...not only Internet exploder , M$ windows itself is a monopoly.this monopoly forced hardware vendors to give drivers only for window$ ,without considering better Operating Systems like GNU/Linux ,mac etc.
Luckily , with Vi$ta ,this monopoly is slowly nosing down.
M$ is responsible for the current ecosystem ,where only window$ is used by world countries ,may be except CHINA .what Governments should do is to concentrate on "eradicating" reliance on Window$ and M$.this way ,we can have a sane ecosystem ,where all OS competes each other ,unlike current M$ monopoly,DRM and more.
also ,the $$$$'s which can be saved by not using/buying window$ License is huge!thing !
IMO , GNU/Linux is ready for Desktop user.provided his IQ must be above 80![]()
And sorry boss, my IQ is only 40 and I've been officially declared a RETARD by the doctors, yet I use Linux distros.. so am I violating any law here?