Browser War - Take your pick

IMO, the best Browser is:

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Guess Who's Back
as far as I am concerned, for all practical perposes, both mean the same to me :p

And why didn't you answer my other questions ?

01. Where is the WYSIWYG editor in a vBulletin forum ?

02. Where is ability to drag bookmarks around in the bookmark toolbar ?

03. Where is ability to customize toolbars ?

04. Where is pause/resume and accelerator in download manager ?

05. Where is ability to thin toolbars which are now fat and space hogs ?

06. Where is option to rename speed dial sites to something else ?

07. Where is the a close button on tab when page is loading and its the only tab ?

08. Where is ability to select another search engine from speed dial search ?

09. Where is ability to rearrange the list of search engines ?

10. Where is the ability to view cache contents ?

11. Where is the ablity to open GMail in "normal" time ?

12. Where is google toolbar for Opera ?

13. Where is flashblocker ?

I should mention that all these are there in Firefox. And as for opera, its designed using the QT4 toolkit, which is much much more advanced and easier to program with than the GTK2+ which firefox uses. So it should have had MORE, not LESS.

ok lets start with the problems , i can't slove the first problem since its VB'S falut so ask VB.

2nd & 3rd problem , this guides should solve it ,

link 2:- *

4th you need to use opera first , its already there so your rig is the problem.

5th again this guide should help ,

6th right click speed dial & edit , easy.

7th right click & close all tabs , can't even right click are you that lazy.

8th again you didn't do reserach , right click the speed search eninge ---> manage search engine --> edit a search engine (e.g. google) ---> deatails ---> use as speed dial defaul search engine , easy :D

9th again it should either be in the guide i posted or its not there but this is a minor issuse.

10th Pathik already told you, opera:cache

11th gmail opens faster then FF so your rig is the problem , i think your rig sucks

12th * , widget

13th * , search bhai

so there you go , guys just keep complanning.

edit : rayraven was little faster , & gave few better answers then me , anyway i have answerd in my own away so heh.
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* Teh Flirt King *
Arrgh... @MetalheadGautham , I hope you allready got your answers..
Next time use something before commenting about it...
Opera gives out of the box features whereas FireFox don't...

Here is a list what FireFox lacks compared to Opera (Features Necessary 4 me.) :
1.) Ability to save pages in MHT. There used to be a MAF-MHT extension, But doens't work anymore.
2.) Professional Look. FireFox just looks too rough and unpolished.
3.) Opera has Widgets, FireFox has extensions.. Widgets looks much cooler. Now looks isnt all that matters but its a plus point anyway.
4.) By Deafualt FF dont save your settings online... Opera 9.50 does.
5.) Ability to add Any kinda search engine to Search ToolBar... FF lacks that.

These features are must have 4 me... So even If i want to I can't use FF full time..
I use FF for Stumbling and Blogging (ScribFire, TwitterFox) though...


Think Zen.
Opera gives out of the box features whereas FireFox don't...

Yes , unlike firefox where you need to install extensions, cry when they are not available for the version u're using , curse when they eat enuf ram to make ur browser hang when you open more than 2 tabs. :p

WTF. Dude, if you keep hoping that everything should work in an almost dead rig then Good luck.
As for your queries in Red, i will post some solutions wen i get my pc. 80% of what you said is already there.
1. Vb's fault
4. Wtf. Have you ever used opera?
6. Dude, do you have speed dial in your beloved FF.?
More later.
Its your attititude that sucks, not my rig. I don't care if my rig was bought in 2005. Its as alive as it was in 2005. It runs Windows XP super fast, with FF2. It can play UT2004 at low settings comfortably. Then why can't it handle Opera ?

In case you remember the old words, its the software which needs to be upgraded more often than the Hardware. Take a look at gaming consoles. PS2 has lived longer than my rig, and games are still developed for it. But in PCs, everyone has this idea that performance optimisation of software is useless compared to ugrading hardware. When a software can be improved, it NEEDS to be. Instead of saying get a better rig, these guys need to better their code.

1. Still doesn't giive me reason to use opera does it ?

4. What else do you think I am doing right now ? <opera is the ONLY browser I can use>

10. K

6. Beloved FF ? I am not one of you fanboyish guys to have a "beloved" software. When it doesn't work, fix it, and if you can't fix it, ditch it. Thats my moto. Windows XP was my beloved first, then Ubuntu then Debian Lenny then Sidux. Now I am again considering ditching. Same goes to browsers. I went from IE to FF to Epiphany to Konqueror to Opera, now again I am considering considering ditching. Same goes to browsers. I went from IE to FF to Epiphany to Konqueror to Opera, now again I am considering ditching.

1. I see the WYSIWYG editor clearly in the digit forums. Perhaps you should check again.

2. The ability is clearly there, just click-n-hold a bookmark on the personal bar and drag it around to position it.

3. Did you try right-clicking an empty space on a toolbar and clicking Customize in the menu that pops-up?

4. Pause is denoted by Stop in Opera. Clicking Stop gives you an option to resume the download later, if the download is supported.

5. *

6. You can change the title in the speeddial.ini file in your opera profile folder.Did you know you can also go beyond 9 speed dials?

7. Goto Tools>Preferences>Advanced>Tabs>Advanced Tab Options , and check allow window with no tabs. Then you'll have a close button even if a single tab is present.

8. Goto Tools>Preferences>Search , select any search engine you want , edit it and in the edit window , click more details and select use as speed dial search engine.

9. I honestly know no way of doing this , nor any reason for it either.

10. Goto opera:cache

11. I have no idea what you mean by "normal time"

12. Ask Google.

13. *

Only reason i went through answering all those questions which could've been answered by a simple google search is just to tell you , that it possible in opera , and next time you think something isnt, try Google first or maybe *

ok lets start with the problems , i can't slove the first problem since its VB'S falut so ask VB.

2nd & 3rd problem , this guides should solve it ,

link 2:- *

4th you need to use opera first , its already there so your rig is the problem.

5th again this guide should help ,

6th right click speed dial & edit , easy.

7th right click & close all tabs , can't even right click are you that lazy.

8th again you didn't do reserach , right click the speed search eninge ---> manage search engine --> edit a search engine (e.g. google) ---> deatails ---> use as speed dial defaul search engine , easy :D

9th again it should either be in the guide i posted or its not there but this is a minor issuse.

10th Pathik already told you, opera:cache

11th gmail opens faster then FF so your rig is the problem , i think your rig sucks

12th * , widget

13th * , search bhai

so there you go , guys just keep complanning.

edit : rayraven was little faster , & gave few better answers then me , anyway i have answerd in my own away so heh.

01. Still not there.

02. Didn't work the first time I tried the same.

03. I can't mix widgets of different toolbars into one single bar.

04. No accelerator. I use it and I get TERRIBLE speeds.

05. Still no solution. :(

06. That changes URL not name. And I need to do it since I don't want to use the default titles for some pages. :|

07. Thanks Ray. @smit: I call that ease of use. :p

08. @smit: Still can't do. @ray: works. thanks again.

09. not in guide; its not a minor issue; I need wikipeida below google; I again call it ease of use

10. Can I use it to see ALL items, not just memory items ?:confused:

11. my rig ? Its decent enough for my use thankyou. I hate this attitude of yours. If it doesn't work, the rig is broke. WTF ? FF3, the memory hogging FF3 opens GMail quickly and Opera 9.5 doesn't. Happy ? And I use KDE, so Opera is <natively> supported while Firefox is not. The odds are in Opera's favour to work.

12. It still doesn't exist. I know its not Opera's problem, but I can't use opera well BECAUSE it doesn't exist. I am fussy when it comes to features.

13. Thanks guys.

rayraven said:
Only reason i went through answering all those questions which could've been answered by a simple google search is just to tell you , that it possible in opera , and next time you think something isnt, try Google first or maybe *
What ever the reason may be, thanks anyway, for trying to fix opera up. You don't know HOW greatful I am for this because opera is the one and only browser I can use other than the over simplistic konqueror. Nothing else work.

Since you managed to answer this many questions, do you mind if I ask more ?

1. I know this is IMPOSSIBLE in firefox, but still, how do I add two search boxes instead of just one ? I want one box for wikipedia and one for google.

2. Where can I get a page listing all opera widgets ?

3. I still can't rearrange toolbars, and mix their items. Any way without hacking into configuration files ?

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Guess Who's Back
actually there is program that reduces FF's memory usage , here is the link

But that's why i hate FF , you need to download extentions , programs what not, opera everything in built ,except few stuff you can find most of evertyhing opera , that's why i love i am using it for 2 years now , i never felt i should be using any other browser :D
Arrgh... @MetalheadGautham , I hope you allready got your answers..
Next time use something before commenting about it...
Opera gives out of the box features whereas FireFox don't...

Here is a list what FireFox lacks compared to Opera (Features Necessary 4 me.) :
1.) Ability to save pages in MHT. There used to be a MAF-MHT extension, But doens't work anymore.
2.) Professional Look. FireFox just looks too rough and unpolished.
3.) Opera has Widgets, FireFox has extensions.. Widgets looks much cooler. Now looks isnt all that matters but its a plus point anyway.
4.) By Deafualt FF dont save your settings online... Opera 9.50 does.
5.) Ability to add Any kinda search engine to Search ToolBar... FF lacks that.

These features are must have 4 me... So even If i want to I can't use FF full time..
I use FF for Stumbling and Blogging (ScribFire, TwitterFox) though...
I too live under a similar situation, but for me things are different. Firefox looks great if you use noia2.0eXtreme theme.

Anyway, that still doesn't convince me that Opera is good. Nor does it make Firefox any better. BOTH SUCK.

actually there is program that reduces FF's memory usage , here is the link

But that's why i hate FF , you need to download extentions , programs what not, opera everything in built ,except few stuff you can find most of evertyhing opera , that's why i love i am using it for 2 years now , i never felt i should be using any other browser :D
Extentions ? The advantage here is that I can get EXACTLY what I want, and everything is neatly organised for me to take. And every page works beautifully in firefox. Besides, unlike most windows users, I don't need to go through any trouble for finding extentions. I know what I want, and a single command is all I need to get it.

and yes, that firefox optimiser is sh!t. Doesn't work on Sidux.

One more problem:

I have a media player with nothing open in it minimised in the background. I clicked that firefox optimiser link smit gave me. Used scroll button to scroll down. Comp hangs. WTF ?
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Opera Rocks in terms of speed.

Firefox rocks in terms of stability.

Opera does something more than FF, sometimes FF does more than Opera.

Opera renders CSS same as FF does, but sometimes FF does not render properly.

FF has great support for AJAX so rich formatting works awesome. Opera do have good support for AJAX, but not as much as FF, so it lacks in rich formatting.

If u have ever opened ur gmail account with Opera 9.25 and FF, u would've felt the diff between how these two browsers will cope with AJAX.

I hate IE, its a major threat to web designers. Sometimes it appears fine IE, but not on other browsers, sometimes it appears fine in all browsers but in IE. Sucks.

Opera do have content blocking. And it is inbuilt. So no need of AdBlock or R.i.P.

You can customize the search order as u wish in opeara.

Opera doesn't need anything such as bookmark toolbar, coz it has got Speed Dial, does FF have it ? Nope

There is no hardcore rule that we need to use Google Toolbar with all the browsers. Its just another add-on.

Verdict: I like both FF and Opera. There is no perfect browser in the world.


Guess Who's Back
Re: Opera...

01. Still not there.

02. Didn't work the first time I tried the same.

03. I can't mix widgets of different toolbars into one single bar.

04. No accelerator. I use it and I get TERRIBLE speeds.

05. Still no solution. :(

06. That changes URL not name. And I need to do it since I don't want to use the default titles for some pages. :|

07. Thanks Ray. @smit: I call that ease of use. :p

08. @smit: Still can't do. @ray: works. thanks again.

09. not in guide; its not a minor issue; I need wikipeida below google; I again call it ease of use

10. Can I use it to see ALL items, not just memory items ?:confused:

11. my rig ? Its decent enough for my use thankyou. I hate this attitude of yours. If it doesn't work, the rig is broke. WTF ? FF3, the memory hogging FF3 opens GMail quickly and Opera 9.5 doesn't. Happy ? And I use KDE, so Opera is <natively> supported while Firefox is not. The odds are in Opera's favour to work.

12. It still doesn't exist. I know its not Opera's problem, but I can't use opera well BECAUSE it doesn't exist. I am fussy when it comes to features.

13. Thanks guys.

What ever the reason may be, thanks anyway, for trying to fix opera up. You don't know HOW greatful I am for this because opera is the one and only browser I can use other than the over simplistic konqueror. Nothing else work.

Since you managed to answer this many questions, do you mind if I ask more ?

1. I know this is IMPOSSIBLE in firefox, but still, how do I add two search boxes instead of just one ? I want one box for wikipedia and one for google.

2. Where can I get a page listing all opera widgets ?

3. I still can't rearrange toolbars, and mix their items. Any way without hacking into configuration files ?

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Ok ,let me answer few of these

1st one as i said VB's fault not opera

4th you can use so many free download managers & intergrate them to opera.

6th look at ray's answer.

10th yes

11th Opera is lighting fast in gmail, i don't why you encounter this problem.

12th look at the link i gave you , i bet you missed it..

AGAIN i say this guide has everything , you need to read it , most of your problems will be sloved.


ok as for widgets, *


Think Zen.
Re: Opera...

01. Still not there.

02. Didn't work the first time I tried the same.

03. I can't mix widgets of different toolbars into one single bar.

04. No accelerator. I use it and I get TERRIBLE speeds.

05. Still no solution. :(

06. That changes URL not name. And I need to do it since I don't want to use the default titles for some pages. :|

09. not in guide; its not a minor issue; I need wikipeida below google; I again call it ease of use

10. Can I use it to see ALL items, not just memory items ?:confused:

11. my rig ? Its decent enough for my use thankyou. I hate this attitude of yours. If it doesn't work, the rig is broke. WTF ? FF3, the memory hogging FF3 opens GMail quickly and Opera 9.5 doesn't. Happy ? And I use KDE, so Opera is <natively> supported while Firefox is not. The odds are in Opera's favour to work.

12. It still doesn't exist. I know its not Opera's problem, but I can't use opera well BECAUSE it doesn't exist. I am fussy when it comes to features.

1. Its still there here.

2. It works perfectly , you sure you did it right?

3. You can , just right click customize , then drag-n-drop em . Anywhere.

4. No browser's download manager is good, get yourself a real download manager application do that purpose.

5. If you want to change sizes, you gotta edit ini files.

6. You can change both url and title in the speeddial.ini file. Just gotta look clearly.

10. It shows all items. Not just memory ones. Title is misleading.

11. GMail opens fine for me. Still ,even if it is slow , it's clearly coz of Google's coding and not Opera.
Try this and tell me if the speed is faster : *

Since you managed to answer this many questions, do you mind if I ask more ?

1. I know this is IMPOSSIBLE in firefox, but still, how do I add two search boxes instead of just one ? I want one box for wikipedia and one for google.

2. Where can I get a page listing all opera widgets ?

3. I still can't rearrange toolbars, and mix their items. Any way without hacking into configuration files ?

1. In Opera , right click on the addres bar , customize , Goto Buttons>Search , drag-n-drop whatever search engines you want.


3. You can mix items , not rearrange toolbars without resorting to ini file editing. Just drag-n-drop stuff on different toolbars.

What ever the reason may be, thanks anyway, for trying to fix opera up. You don't know HOW greatful I am for this because opera is the one and only browser I can use other than the over simplistic konqueror. Nothing else work.
No problem , Just continue that attitude.


as far as I am concerned, for all practical perposes, both mean the same to me :p

And why didn't you answer my other questions ?

08. Where is ability to select another search engine from speed dial search ?

11. Where is the ablity to open GMail in "normal" time ?

I should mention that all these are there in Firefox. And as for opera, its designed using the QT4 toolkit, which is much much more advanced and easier to program with than the GTK2+ which firefox uses. So it should have had MORE, not LESS.

8- why search from there, in the addrs. bar , just type the "keyword" of particular search site (e.g google = "g", yahoo = "y", youtube = "u" [mine] & the search query.

e.g., "u race driver grid" leads to * on my opera.

the default search engine is google, so if you type race driver grid, opera takes you to *

see simple:D

(dunno whether that "create search" is there in FF.

11. for me it does take some time, but thats gmail's fault. but once loaded, its faster.


I have used only Opera ALL my life (computer life,silly) and never had any problems apart from some compatability with Flash sice i moved to GNU/Linux(Solved it by downgrading Flash). I have never used Firefox :p
No problem logging to GMail,Yahoo(new version).
The only gripe is How can i stop Opera from downloading more than 1 file at a time?
No queue option in Download Manager?

Opera doesn't need anything such as bookmark toolbar, coz it has got Speed Dial, does FF have it ? Nope
I think Bookmarks Toolbar is MUCH MUCH better than speed dial. I just need to middle click an item to open it in a new tab. Speed Dial makes me have to open a new tab to open a new link. Actually, I found no good use for speed dial till now.
Ok ,let me answer few of these

1st one as i said VB's fault not opera

4th you can use so many free download managers & intergrate them to opera.

6th look at ray's answer.

10th yes

11th Opera is lighting fast in gmail, i don't why you encounter this problem.

12th look at the link i gave you , i bet you missed it..

AGAIN i say this guide has everything , you need to read it , most of your problems will be sloved.


ok as for widgets, *
1. I know its vB's fault, but does that mean I can continue to use opera as easily as I used firefox ? No it doesn't. Firefox is the ONLY browser, even taking into account all those gnome gecko based firefox alternatives out there plus konqueror, dillo and opera, which supports wysiwyg in vB.

4. I meant something like DTA(firefox's addon DownThemAll). Its fast launching and fast downloading.

12. Still can't find google toolbar there. Where is the link ?
1. Its still there here.

2. It works perfectly , you sure you did it right?

3. You can , just right click customize , then drag-n-drop em . Anywhere.

4. No browser's download manager is good, get yourself a real download manager application do that purpose.

5. If you want to change sizes, you gotta edit ini files.

6. You can change both url and title in the speeddial.ini file. Just gotta look clearly.

10. It shows all items. Not just memory ones. Title is misleading.

11. GMail opens fine for me. Still ,even if it is slow , it's clearly coz of Google's coding and not Opera.
Try this and tell me if the speed is faster : *
1. Is it there in default opera installation ?

2. I think I didn't press and hold long enough.

3. I want the address box in the top menu bar.:(

4. Something like DownThemAll is what I need.;)

5. Damn. Location ? Are they in ~/.opera/ ?

6. OK

10. Damn

11. Still no improvement.:(

rayraven said:
1. In Opera , right click on the addres bar , customize , Goto Buttons>Search , drag-n-drop whatever search engines you want.


3. You can mix items , not rearrange toolbars without resorting to ini file editing. Just drag-n-drop stuff on different toolbars.
1. Thanks. That removed the need for google toolbar :lol:

2. Cool.:D

3. Damn.:mad:
rayraven said:
No problem , Just continue that attitude.
That I always do :cool:


Think Zen.
Re: ???

1. Is it there in default opera installation ?

2. I think I didn't press and hold long enough.

3. I want the address box in the top menu bar.:(

4. Something like DownThemAll is what I need.;)

5. Damn. Location ? Are they in ~/.opera/ ?

11. Still no improvement.:(

1. Yep. Only thing different is one of amitava's css files to alter digit's appearance. But i doubt its anythin to do with the wysiwyg editor.

2. Not Opera's problem then :p

3. Drag-n-Drop it in the top bar and remove from the below one. Simple. :)

4. There's nothing like that afaik , but here's what i do , set my download manager to monitor the clipboard and then copy the link address from opera instead of clicking it. Download manager picks off from there.

5. Yes , ~/.opera/ in Linux.

11. Donno what your issue is , GMail opens with the new ui when i use that link ,along with the new progress bar while loading.

I dont see the need for sizing the toolbar , opera resizes em depending on the contents dynamically.
Re: ???

1. Yep. Only thing different is one of amitava's css files to alter digit's appearance. But i doubt its anythin to do with the wysiwyg editor.

2. Not Opera's problem then :p

3. Drag-n-Drop it in the top bar and remove from the below one. Simple. :)

4. There's nothing like that afaik , but here's what i do , set my download manager to monitor the clipboard and then copy the link address from opera instead of clicking it. Download manager picks off from there.

5. Yes , ~/.opera/ in Linux.

11. Donno what your issue is , GMail opens with the new ui when i use that link ,along with the new progress bar while loading.

I dont see the need for sizing the toolbar , opera resizes em depending on the contents dynamically.
1. :mad:

2. :p

3. Nope. Not in the main menu bar ( the one with file, edit, view, etc )

4. Launch times. My system is not fast enough for something like that to happen at blazing speeds. And btw, KGet sucks. No download acceleration.

5. 8)

11. BSNL H500


Think Zen.
Re: ???

3. Nope. Not in the main menu bar ( the one with file, edit, view, etc )

4. Launch times. My system is not fast enough for something like that to happen at blazing speeds. And btw, KGet sucks. No download acceleration.

11. BSNL H500

3. You cant have anything on the menu bar in Opera, and not even ff, although u can have a custom button that toggles the menu bar and displays it like a menu.

Click this to add the button

Then drag-n-drop it onto a toolbar you want.
I think custom buttons can be added to personal bar and status bar only though. Thats a limitation.

Find more custom buttons here : *

4. If download manager is running in the background then no such issue.
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