Best DVD writer

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Manchester United
I have a trivial question, please do not take it otherwise.

Well, what is the difference between Dual-layer DVD writer and single layer ones (if there is any)? And are the DVD discs available for them different in terms of capacity? And does this mean that data can be written on both the sides?

And what is the price of blank DL DVD discs?


Cyborg Agent
hey gary4gar , this might seem a bit off topic .. but i got sony g120 today for 2.5 k .. oem drive .. i knew its rebadged lite on shm 165p6s .. so just done some research on and i hve successfully crossflashed the drive to lite on ... now i can enjoy all the goodies that comes with a lite on drive ... :lol:


t3h g04t
@yogi I hope ur happy... U just voided ur warranty also Im a bit ignorant, what special goodies come with the lite on drives?


Cyborg Agent
lite on has just released new firmwares with hyper tuning and over speeding functions .. :lol: .. also buddy u can use softwares like omnipatcher to improve the drives reading performance .. :D

also lite on has large user community where u can get any softwares to tune up ur drive .. :)

also lite on has better firmware support than sony .. anyways both the drives have same hardware and are manufactured by lite on ..

also if there's any prob with hardware than i can always crossflash it to sony firmware and get the warranty ... and I got this drive as a gift .. :D

hence tried all these modds .. :lol:

mohit sharma

well please tell prices and specifications of drives so that all matters become clear to jugde the best , specifications should also include warrenty period bcoz it denotes the happy time of a drive !!!!


Cyborg Agent
well the ultimate best is BENQ DW 1640 - with 2 yrs warranty .. :D

also new BENQ DW 1655 with LIGHTSCRIBE is excellent drive too .. with 2 yrs warranty ..

and LITE ON SHM 165H6S is a super multi drive with lightscribe .. 1 yr warranty .. no idea abt its availibility in india ..

sony dru 810 is nothing but benq 1640 with sony faceplate :evil: chipset
and new sony dru 820 is also benq rebadged drive .. only exception here is benq has not released the original drive yet .. and this new drive is based on panasonic chipset .. philips nexperia chipset is considered as one of the best in dvd writing..


Cyborg Agent
strange , people still prefer sony, even though its just a benq drive with sony faceplate with only 1 yr warranty instead of 2 :x


When ur suggesting DVD drives please do mention reasons and if u know the prices and model nos, waranty period etc........else no use


Dark Overlord !!!
SONY Roks (I hv been using DRU 800A from Nov 2005 and have burnt more than 100 DVDs till date of various make w/o a single crash) .... IMO, Pioneer and NEC are supposed to be da best of the lot.. but prolly they r not available in India and are much more expensive.


Cyborg Agent
i wont give any reasons .. that will take a lot of explaining ..

just go and check and specially their forums for optical drives and decide for ur self which is best .. pioneer , nec or benq or any other ...

abt benq dw 1640 .. it costs around 2.4-2.5 k here in lamington road and gives u 2 yrs warranty .... and the sony dru 800 model is lite on 1693s drive .. my point is just that sony is selling either lite on or benq drives with their faceplate for more than the original drives from these companies ..which is sad ..

also lite on and benq drives are most hackable of lot ... :lol:


Cyborg Agent

abe sony dru 810 -- *


t3h g04t
a friend of mine had a pionerr dvd writer btw... its available in India... it gave up after bout 10 or 1200 DVDs... wasnt that great a drive anyway... I find that the dw g120a is better, even he's using one now...
another good site for finding out about optical drives is


AMD user for 9 yrs!!

Keith Sebastian said:
Massacre said:
Liteon is a Cheap Knockoff of Sony.

Go for Sony, it may be a little hefty but it will be worth the investment.

LOL! Most Sony's are just rebadged Liteons. A simple firmware crossflash can convert a Sony into a Liteon and vice versa.



Currently I own a Sony DRU-810a which is nothing but a rebadged BenQ D1640W (and I have xflashed it already with the BenQ firmware BSNB version)



To crossflash you will need BQFlasher - *
Once done you can use BenQ's QSuite to mess with a few settings like booktype, solidburn, WOPC etc.


Buy BENQ :wink:
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