Re: Before They Spoiled the Software - 13 app we liked better before they were "impro
Those who say Adobe reader is slow & eats more RAM compare it to Foxit reader, right? Well, tell me, how many features does Foxit supports compared to Adobe reader when showing a PDF file full of Multimedia, real time 3d animation & Models, encrypted forms, online tools etc..
Any software when loaded with features will get complex & eat more RAM, thats the holy truth of software industry. Deal with it. If you want to use a new software with many new features then get better hardware. If u don't want the new software then stick to the old hardware & stop complaining about resource usage of new software. Even Windows 98 with IE 4 opens Yahoo mail classic fine, even WMP 6.4 in Windows 2000 opens DivX files fine, just that the computer fails to playback a 480p DivX file because the computer was purchased in 1998 when 480p video did not exist.
Firefox 2.0 eats a lot of RAM, I understand there might be memory leaks & bugs, but compare Firefox 2.0 to 1.0 in features & then say firefox 2.0 eats more RAM for no reason.
Nero 5 was good & used to eat less RAM. Oh plz....Nero 5 didn't had Blu ray & HD DVD Burning support, it didn't feature new drive support, it didn't support direct DivX to mpeg2 conversion while making a DVD or Nero Recode support etc. If you have a old computer & if nero 5 is all u need & working fine for you cos u don't need the new features of nero 8 then why r u blaming nero 8 for becoming a memory hog? Just keep using Nero 5, Those who are running Nero 8 with 2 GB RAM don't have a problem using it. Either stick to what u have or stop whining when a software demands more RAM just cos it is providing 25 new features over the previous version.
We do need better & quality code, & that is why I prefer .net over any other developement environment. The code is very very small for many things. Zeeshan even made a fully working audio player based on WMP engine in 1 day of 1 MB only....(Work in progress, we are adding more features).