Battlefield 3


Broken In
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

need to ask you guys which servers do you play on? and also what kind of ping do you get on them. i'm on bsnl broadband (in bilaspur, chattisgarh). i don't get a ping lower than 200ms in any of the european servers. what can i do to get lower pings


Professional Newbie
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

^^ 200 pings on European or American servers is pretty normal as it actually takes that much time for data packets to reach the destination. Internet data packets travel through fibre optic cables which provide about 70% of the speed of light. So it is geographically and scientifically impossible for data packets to reach thousand of miles away in much less than 200ms. Get it? :)


Staff member
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

^^i get less than 200 pings in European servers. Everrywher else its above 200-300.


Professional Newbie
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

Yes you can get a little less than 200. You must be getting around 170-180 right?


Broken In
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

but is BF3 playable with 200-300ms ping? if not then what is the point getting killed repeatedly and wasting tickets just because the other guy has a better connection.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

yes.. I get 190+ on European Servers.. playable up to 300ms.. lags/rubberbanding after 350+


BSD init pwns System V
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

That was SPARTA.. The biggest, baddest & the bloodiest Rush Mode I ever played in Battlefield 3. Had fun with Rcuber, Aaronbrako & Psygeist..
Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

That was SPARTA.. The biggest, baddest & the bloodiest Rush Mode I ever played in Battlefield 3. Had fun with Rcuber, Aaronbrako & Psygeist..
Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3

Yea, we defended the last M-COM like the world was coming to a end :D


BSD init pwns System V
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

^^Yeah. that was the most intense battle ever. I'm going to get Close Quarters DLC after seeing that.. BTW what will be the price of that?

My team lost by a huge margin but still got Best Recon :D
Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3


Away from Forums, Again!
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

Guys I am starting a clan in BF3 soon. I want players who are good team players, and should always play with their Mumbles connected with other clan mates. I have been administrating clans since 4 years, right from Counter Strike 1.6, Source, Modern Warfare 2, BFBC2 and now in BF3. The clan will also have a server running soon, and will require the clan members to pool for the same. For those of you interested, PM me on the forum, or add me on Origin/Battlelog desiJATT93.


Wise Old Owl
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

Anyone planning on hosting a BF3 Server in INDIA? maybe buying the game and then pwning all the guys on the forum will make sense :D


BSD init pwns System V
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

I'm alive.. Just got back from the office? Get your arse online right now soldier :p


Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

MyB/LAV MY/SG Public Server - Server Browser - Battlelog / Battlefield 3

Found this awesome server..pings ranging from 100 - 120..Rush mode xD


Proud Core i7 Owner
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

Guyz I installed this game and completed it on my desktop now how to play via network can you guyz guide me thanks in advance


Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

just use origin to launch the game, it will ask you to install some plugins and redirect you to a "battlelog" webpage on your browser..and you can play from there..

add people, given on the first page, to your origin account and you can join them


Professional Newbie
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

After almost 1 whole day finally my game should be updated and ready to play tomorrow. Add me to the list T0rN4D0-SuNnY :D


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

After almost 1 whole day finally my game should be updated and ready to play tomorrow. Add me to the list T0rN4D0-SuNnY :D


couldn't play a single round :| today..
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