^^guys i can play single player smooth.also i have BSNL UL 900..i can play CS 1.6 with 100-150 pings...is that sufficient for battlefield multi player..thinking to
buy premium...
Got banned in a server For being AFK for 5 mins
Got banned in a server For being AFK for 5 mins
After a long time this happened.. 80% of my team was from TDF
Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
FYI.. we joined the server when US had capped all the flags and we were I think down by 100 tickets or more.
where i can find a manual for stuff ?
yep.. I know .. you haven't seen the worst of my KD..Nice match except your kill death ratio
yep.. I know .. you haven't seen the worst of my KD..
Reason for such a KD and my low accuracy is that I use a controller for playing BF3 . .but hey.. I end up higher than other KDB/Mouse players , PTFO
urge to enjoy vibration
manual for what stuff ?