Need opinion on Thermaltake M9.. I presently have Zeb Antibiotics. But since I bought Corsair TX650W, its all jumbled inside because of the long, thick cables... Plus there is gfx card, 2 hdds, 2 dvdrws, etc,etc its all messed up inside... not getting proper air flow inside... So im thinking to have new cabinet... since my comp table's cabinet compartment can only occupy maximum 49cm hight of chasis.... I've two options CM690 and THermaltake M9.. but if i go with CM, only 1 cm space lefts above cabinet and i can't then use any USB device or front panel audio... but thermaltake m9 has all the things at its front side...
But the main thing is- will it really offer significantly more space and better airflow inside cabinet as compared to Antibiotics ? if thats not so, im not eager to spend 4.5k..
(transparent only)
so just throw ur opinions...