Avengers: Endgame Spoiler Discussion


I believe the time travel tech allow them to directly reach any place in universe as long as they have correct coordinates(which avengers had for all 6 stones' locations).
i would guess thats for the time jump only. to return other stones he had to travel to earth, if soul planet was his first destination.


Super Moderator
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i would guess thats for the time jump only. to return other stones he had to travel to earth, if soul planet was his first destination.
No,the time travel tech allows one to jump to any coordinate as long as there is enough supply of pym particles(cap & tony jumped from 2012 to 70s).


Aspiring Novelist
No,the time travel tech allows one to jump to any coordinate as long as there is enough supply of pym particles(cap & tony jumped from 2012 to 70s).
That too without the need of quantum tunnel they can travel anywhere :D :D :D
Don't even know why they needed one in the first place if they can do it without it.
Whether we agree or not, there are lot of loopholes/no logic to the things they established to tell the story.


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Yeah,it is no Interstellar. Btw that quantum tunnel I think is just a sort of launchpad/landing-pad & it is used only at the time of jump & final return(think of a runway,after take-off plane can move in any direction in air & only needs runway for final landing).


Conversation Architect
2 questions-
1. When Strange saw those 14mn+ possibilities why didn't he tell how the 1 in which they beat Thanos will play to Stark? If he wasn't supposed to tell him(again why?), then shouldn't he have given a hint or something or atleast told him that to make the gauntlet strong enough or with a particular material so that the person wearing it is not harmed?
2. Why didn't Thanos use the time stone to see that outcome in which he's defeated?
In my personal opinion, Marvel made the time shifting crap too confusing just like those X-Men movies.


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1. Somewhat based on a real scientific theory which states that observation can affect result.In other words knowing about something beforehand will change the result foreseen.If Strange told about that possibility(or even gave some hints) then that possibility would not have happened(in simpler terms if Stark or anyone else knew/got some hint about this then it would have introduced new variables like hesitation,emotion,too much caution etc resulting in failure).

2. My guess is that Time stone can be used in many ways & Thanos focused on practical applications like reversing Time for a certain object while Strange focused on theoretical applications like simulating various future realities.


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Tony did not defeat Thanos,he successfully swiped the stones from him during their clash & this primarily needed skills & luck not strength which is probably why he was the only one who could do it(you can acquire skills but you cannot acquire luck).


Conversation Architect
1. Somewhat based on a real scientific theory which states that observation can affect result.In other words knowing about something beforehand will change the result foreseen.If Strange told about that possibility(or even gave some hints) then that possibility would not have happened(in simpler terms if Stark or anyone else knew/got some hint about this then it would have introduced new variables like hesitation,emotion,too much caution etc resulting in failure).

2. My guess is that Time stone can be used in many ways & Thanos focused on practical applications like reversing Time for a certain object while Strange focused on theoretical applications like simulating various future realities.

These are all reasons/judgements varying from person to person. Marvel fcked up pretty bad with the hype.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Strange saw them winning in one of those 6 million odd futures (feel the number is too less, but anyway). This means that in most cases, Thanos wins. Its only in the prime timeline that the people who got dusted in the snap, get to live. The world line is curved in a closed timelike curve, which loops back into itself. The so called inconsistencies and paradoxes resolve themselves really. Each time one of two things can happen, the universe splits into two, where both eventualities take place. According to the theories of David Deutsch, there is 1/2 chance that Thanos dies in 2014, 1/2 a chance that he can execute the snap, 1/2 chance that Thor becomes fat, 1/2 chance of Ronin, 1/2 chance of Nat dying, and 1/2 chance of Stark living. In all these the prime timeline is only one. The science is actually pretty deep and solid, even if the way it is explained on screen is gibberish.

Something that is bugging me is if there are branches out there where Cap does not manage to return one or all of the time stones after the snap, creating the scenario shown by the Ancient One. Marvel is embracing the snap and its consequences whole heartedly, which means we can maybe see stories from alternate timelines, and the consequences of what happened in Endgame will be experienced in future movies, not just Far From Home. For example GOTG3 or Asgardians of the Galaxy will still have 2014 Gamora.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Something that is bugging me is if there are branches out there where Cap does not manage to return one or all of the time stones after the snap, creating the scenario shown by the Ancient One.
Cap is not going to other branches timelines,he went to past points in prime timeline to return stones to prevent the occurring/splitting of any timeline branches at those points.


Conversation Architect
Strange saw them winning in one of those 6 million odd futures (feel the number is too less, but anyway). This means that in most cases, Thanos wins. Its only in the prime timeline that the people who got dusted in the snap, get to live. The world line is curved in a closed timelike curve, which loops back into itself. The so called inconsistencies and paradoxes resolve themselves really. Each time one of two things can happen, the universe splits into two, where both eventualities take place. According to the theories of David Deutsch, there is 1/2 chance that Thanos dies in 2014, 1/2 a chance that he can execute the snap, 1/2 chance that Thor becomes fat, 1/2 chance of Ronin, 1/2 chance of Nat dying, and 1/2 chance of Stark living. In all these the prime timeline is only one. The science is actually pretty deep and solid, even if the way it is explained on screen is gibberish.

Something that is bugging me is if there are branches out there where Cap does not manage to return one or all of the time stones after the snap, creating the scenario shown by the Ancient One. Marvel is embracing the snap and its consequences whole heartedly, which means we can maybe see stories from alternate timelines, and the consequences of what happened in Endgame will be experienced in future movies, not just Far From Home. For example GOTG3 or Asgardians of the Galaxy will still have 2014 Gamora.
They should have mentioned, only for viewers with degree in astrophysics.


Sith Lord
Staff member
No need for studying quantum physics only in conversation. Try making a mobius strip to solve the paradox, it really helps understand what is going on, in a concrete, physical way, not some abstract concept. The mobius strip is a closed time like curve, and this is how the paradox resolves itself.
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