.....Watched it again last night, few more doubts. Marvel ruined it pretty bad
- In the end Present Captain America went to the past to various places to return the stones and he stayed in the past. If there were two captains in 1970 then how did the events of the present timeline occur? Isn't this like changing the past or adding something to it? Everything is a new timeline. If Cap1 from timeline1 travelled to timeline2 and stayed there, then timeline1 will have no cap at all and timeline2 will have 2cap.
- How did he get so so old? Since he had the time stone, he can very well push time into him - like how the Antman came old-aged and a kid, when they were experimenting with time stone with hulk.
- The movie gave a reference to Back to the Future and it was stated the past cannot be changed. Now Thanos from 2014 came to the present timeline. Then how would it affect the events in the 2014 timeline? I mean there's no Thanos in 2014 anymore so does that mean no killings etc.? Everything is a new timeline. Check the previous link, i shared here.
- Where did Gamora go in the end? Again she's from 2014 and bought back maybe for Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Isn't this too like changing the past? same as answer 3.
- Strange told Tony that if he tells him about the outcome it will never happen. So, why did he gives hint that this is that one possibility in the end? Again he told him before Tony actually took the stones away from Thanos. So, how did the outcome actually happen? What we saw in the movie, is the (actual) only one possibility where Avengers won. There can be many possibilities, where outcome did/didn't happen because Strange gave hint.
- Continuing the 5th question, why didn't Strange give a hint or something to Tony back in Infinity War to make a gauntlet or something which won't kill a human which was to be used against Thanos? It might have saved his life. It wasn't anything related to the outcome, just a hint. You've to ask Russos for that
. Downey is the highest paid actor and he's already in his 50s, and his movie kick-started the Avengers frachise - he can't portray Iron man forever just like Jackman/Wolverine. If he has to go out of MCU, it should be of noble/heroic cause and in a respectful manner which fans can remember all the time.
- When Thanos snapped in Infinity War half of the population was dusted, which was selected randomly I guess. When Hulk snapped they came back. When Tony snapped in the end every bad guy was gone. Why not half? It's the wielder's decision. Thanos believed overpopulation caused the destruction of home world, so he became a tyrant, gathered an army and executed 50% of the people. He believed it's the same thing everywhere - so he collected all the stones and snapped 50% of overall universe. To undo what Thanos did, Hulk specifically wished/wanted the erased 50% should come. Unlike these two, Tony didn't bound by any decision. So when he got the gauntlet, he just wished all the Thanos's army to disappear even if it costs his life.
Thanks bro. More concrete info here-.....
My interpretation, could be wrong.....
AVENGERS: ENDGAME Writers Explain How Two Captain Americas Existed In The MCU At The Same TimeMy interpretation, could be wrong.
1. There are two versions of Cap, one who went back in time, and another who is stuck in the ice and goes through everything that happened to cap so far.
2. He aged like a normal person, perhaps slower
3. This is where the closed timelike curves comes into place. Both versions of events take place, in a fold or twist in time. Thanos dies in 2014, there is no snap, there is no time heist, no one kills Thanos in 2014, there is a snap, then a time heist. This series of events happen in a loop, and time flows in one direction throughout. Some theories say this is not possible, because there should be entropy over multiple repeats or loops.
4. She just jumps into the future. This is a clever solution to what was thought to be a paradox. If you see answer to point 3, it is similar. The solution to the supposed paradox is to let the sequence of events play out, and actually there is no problem.
5. It is supposed to motivate Stark, without telling him exactly.
6. In the timeline where Thanos dies in 2014, Stark and Black Widow are alive.
7. The gauntlet gives you omnipotence. Thanos wanted to kill half of all life because he thought that was the way to end suffering and save the universe from itself. Hulk got them back. Stark wanted to kill Thanos and his supporters.
I will leave the other queries as there is no definite answer but this one is easy.Stones power is too much for any human to handle so any solution for this is not possible.Hulk survived because he is not exactly human(& as per comics,his hulk power has no limits as it depends solely on his anger which itself has no limits) & Thanos was already established as the most powerful being in the universe(GOTG 1 movie Ronan's henchman quote).Continuing the 5th question, why didn't Strange give a hint or something to Tony back in Infinity War to make a gauntlet or something which won't kill a human which was to be used against Thanos? It might have saved his life. It wasn't anything related to the outcome, just a hint.