iPhones have excellent built quality... The only real competitor in that field could be Nokia with its Lumia series... and maybe Sony...
Samsung built quality is mediocre at best... LG is crap... HTC is bankrupt...
A phone with a built quality of an iPhone with Jelly Bean would be a super hit...
Cam and the bigger screen are the only new stuff with iphone 5.
Faster processor? For what?
iphones can't get anymore faster than it is already with 4S i think.
Definitely not a trend setter. Apple is now doing catching up to newer standards, they were once setting standards.
No HD and NFC for iPhone 5. When HTC and Hauwei and the likes can do, why can't Apple?
Because NFC and HD will be the selling feature for iPhone 5s.
So dude when are you buying your Iphone 5?
If there was no nano sim compatibility in new iphone 5. I would definitely order it from abroad. Now I have no options other than to wait for the release in India. I guess airtel and vodafone will provide with nano sim in India.^
Import it dude !
Btw what about Nano Sim ? What will you do about that?
^^ lol yea.. nano sim is thinner than micro/standard sim, he will have to scrape a few layers off the sim
most for space saving on PCB.. on mobile phones, couple of millimeter of space is a lot.why manufacturers are providing smaller and smaller slots for the SIM? Regular SIM was small enough, now it is as small as micro SD card.
A phone with a built quality of an iPhone with Jelly Bean would be a super hit...