Any grphics card for system with 180 watt power supply..plz help

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Right off the assembly line

I have recently purchased a Compaq 3540 model. Had to buy this coz i was not comfortable with assembled PC...

now i have a situation in system has only 180 watt as per my knowledge no recent graphics card will run in this less there any other dedicated graphics card that i can use which will have at least 256 mb dedicated onboard memory..plzz help..

incase its not possible, how much i have to spend to upgrade to a 400 watt SMPS?

plz help me guys as i have recently acquired some latest games and want to try those out.



IronMan; Ready to Roll...
Whats your screen size/resolution at which you will be playing? If you wanna play latest games at good resolutions with effects turned on, you'll need to upgradé the PSU as a GFX card for such a purpose will not run comfortably on a mere 180 watt power supply. Cards like ATi HD4850 itself need more than that. :!: And changing the innards of the system may void the warranty, dunno...


Right off the assembly line
Whats your screen size/resolution at which you will be playing? If you wanna play latest games at good resolutions with effects turned on, you'll need to upgradé the PSU as a GFX card for such a purpose will not run comfortably on a mere 180 watt power supply. Cards like ATi HD4850 itself need more than that. :!: And changing the innards of the system may void the warranty, dunno...

I have the HP w1907 LCD monitor (19") has a resolution os 1440 * 600 or something..not sure..

I feel cheated by Compaq...never knew they are such craps who sell 180watt at this age...:/


EXIT: DATA Junkyard

I have recently purchased a Compaq 3540 model. Had to buy this coz i was not comfortable with assembled PC...

now i have a situation in system has only 180 watt as per my knowledge no recent graphics card will run in this less there any other dedicated graphics card that i can use which will have at least 256 mb dedicated onboard memory..plzz help..

incase its not possible, how much i have to spend to upgrade to a 400 watt SMPS?

plz help me guys as i have recently acquired some latest games and want to try those out.


And I thought only I had soo less, I have 250W PSU

Well, the new Chrome ULP cards will work, which have a TDP of 7W but gaming, forgt it.

Buy this:
CM460W @ 2.2k

Now u'll be able to plug in a 9800GT, 9600GT, HD3850, HD3870 and all.
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