There is a very old game... Myst or Riven, I can't recall... Its available at GOG. Its devoid of violence, its more about fiddling with switches and levers....
Otherwise, I can't recall myself of a decent latest game with no violence, that is a first person....
I think you can get GTA San Andreas, get a decent 100% game passed savegame, (with all territories being Grove street) from the internet, put it in the right folder...
This way the violence has happened before hand, and you won't see it again.
And then you can give CJ the life of a common honest American man.
Ignore the Rhyno Tank and Hydra near your Grove street home... They're not for you.
Just pick up a simple 4 door sedan from your garage/ Sweet's home and drive slow, follow the traffic signals well, like rest of the traffic.
If you get a wanted level, let the police arrest you by being in a car and slowing down. After all, you will only be slightly penalized, and weapons don't matter to the common citizen anyways, right?
For adventure, once in a while, you can go to visit San Fierro and try some parachute jumping, or try flying a plane legally (you already got a license) in the desert airstrip near Las Venturas. Boat Driving is also a good idea.
You can participate in legal vehicle races and horse race betting.
Also, proving yourself a good San Andreas Gentleman, you can give lift to some hard working ladies you can see around San Andreas.
Just don't stop in a lonely place, or you might lose some "money" from your account.
And you can do community service by acting as a Ambulance service. (Police service would be violent).
You can drown in ocean. You can ride cycles around the town... You can climb mountains.
See, San Andreas can be played with a very light hand, and you might not see violence.
I know all this might sound funny, but San Andreas is a good game to kill time...