Anime/Cartoon/Mangas Thread ~Giga Drill Breaker version~


Wise Old Owl
has anyone watched....
"Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko"
( The "Hentai" Prince and the Stony Cat)

This is first time I am watching an anime series and I have falling in absolute love with this show.. bt the sad thing is that it has only 12 episodes.. I am on 4 epi. now..

and title is misleading it doesnt contain any hentai stuff ....

ya man completed it when u finish it u will want more............

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Watched it. It was extremely entertaining and had a great story. Hououin Kyouma sometimes times looked a lot like Aizen though:-D

do watch the movie also its very good..........

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@all [MENTION=89186]Piyush[/MENTION] [MENTION=43644]nims11[/MENTION] [MENTION=126812]whitestar_999[/MENTION] what happened to u all no one watching any anime now??


In the zone
[MENTION=149723]gta0gagan[/MENTION] - Yeah man... i got so hooked with the story that I finished episodes 5 through 12 in a trot... now I am craving for more. :(
I seriously think its sequel should be made... Tsutsukakushi is still expression less.. :p

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Is there any other series with simlar plot... ??
also give me some other recommendation as well...

now downloading "Sora no Otoshimono " read in myanimelist recommendation.. how is this series??


Super Moderator
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[MENTION=149723]gta0gagan[/MENTION],i have 2tb of anime,65gb of manga & ~500gb of english TV shows but not much time so have to divide my time among all these & real life so rarely update about series/shows i have watched but i do watch 5-6 anime series in a go in 1-2 months when i get time.currently waiting for castle,elementary,PoI to finish & planning to watch some old anime series & maybe 4-5 manga series too in coming month.btw i finished Legend of Galactic Heroes(My Conquest is the Sea of Stars+Overture to a New War which is detailed newer version of 1st two episodes of 110 episodes OVA+110 episodes OVA,in that order leave the rest movies/prequels/side stories) 2.5 months ago & i have to agree that it lived up to its hype of the best anime space opera series yet.


Wise Old Owl
[MENTION=149723]gta0gagan[/MENTION] - Yeah man... i got so hooked with the story that I finished episodes 5 through 12 in a trot... now I am craving for more. :(
I seriously think its sequel should be made... Tsutsukakushi is still expression less.. :p

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Is there any other series with simlar plot... ??
also give me some other recommendation as well...

now downloading "Sora no Otoshimono " read in myanimelist recommendation.. how is this series??

its very good another one u will wish that there would have been sequel after 2 series but the final movie is coming this year so i think no more sequels..........


In the zone
[MENTION=126812]whitestar_999[/MENTION].. thats alot of stuff man.. plz send ur hard disk at my address..I will copy content and send it back to u. :p

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okay.... looking forward to the movie.. bt i think this show will be stuck in my head for a long time...


Wise Old Owl
[MENTION=149723]gta0gagan[/MENTION],i have 2tb of anime,65gb of manga & ~500gb of english TV shows but not much time so have to divide my time among all these & real life so rarely update about series/shows i have watched but i do watch 5-6 anime series in a go in 1-2 months when i get time.currently waiting for castle,elementary,PoI to finish & planning to watch some old anime series & maybe 4-5 manga series too in coming month.btw i finished Legend of Galactic Heroes(My Conquest is the Sea of Stars+Overture to a New War which is detailed newer version of 1st two episodes of 110 episodes OVA+110 episodes OVA,in that order leave the rest movies/prequels/side stories) 2.5 months ago & i have to agree that it lived up to its hype of the best anime space opera series yet.

dude even my relative lives at ncr when i come there i will copy ur anime also can u tell how u download manga and how u read them any app or software for pc???


^ Free Manga Downloader

i zip them and then read using CDispayEx.
[MENTION=126812]whitestar_999[/MENTION], i need your hdd too :p

Don't have that much time for downloading now-a-days.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
which hdd?i have 40gb(pata,lying in box)+80gb(pata,lying in box)+250gb+500gb+750gb+2tb+2tb.going to get a 3tb hdd now.:p

i use direct download/file hosting links,irc & torrent for manga & use CDisplay to read on laptop/pc but it has one issue though that to work properly the numbering of images should be proper(like 01,02 for 2 digits total no. of images & 001,002 etc for 3 digits total no. of images) but sometimes the groups release have improper numbering like 1,2,19 or 01,02,101,102 etc in which case viewing order gets messed up so have to check files before for numbering(don't want spoilers at end to come up first).


In the zone
[MENTION=126812]whitestar_999[/MENTION] - so all these hdd are fully loaded with content..!!!!!????

I want english tv series and anime ... :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
take it from me that having such big collection is a pain to manage.make a short collection,watch it & move on.i actually have to spend time planning what to watch & when to watch.i have cut my bandwidth usage to less than half for over a year now because there is no point in increasing my collection when i haven't even watched 33% of my existing collection.believe it or not but i have to create text files containing list of anime series,manga,tv shows,movies & what not just to manage & avoid downloading same thing again by searching within these files first.


In the zone
yeah.. that I can understand that.. earlier I used to read a lot of ebooks so I used to download tons of ebook every now and then.. once I downloaded an ebook collection of size10 gb, there were nearly 33,000 ebooks in that collection alone.. n its been 3 years since then and I havnt read a single book from that collection.. :p

bt still it will be gr8 if I can get ur collection n copy only stuff that matters to me...
as any day its easier to copy then to download.. :D


BIOS Terminator
Watching Aoi Bungaku (12 ep, psychological). It is a set of 2-3 ep short storied based on novels which are quite dark themed. Started off well, but things seems getting lame after first two stories.

Following lots of anime this spring season

Brynhildr in the Darkness (mystery, promising)
One Week Friends (SoL, have lots of hope pinned on this)
Captain Earth (Mecha, things are getting over my head at present)
Mushishi S2 (No reason not to watch this except if you haven't seen S1)
Fairy Tail S2 (only for sake of loyalty, nothing great here)
Haikyuu (Volleyball Anime with a typical setting, will watch it through end)
Mahouka (Magic Highschool Anime with overpowered MC and his annoying sister)
Seikoku no Dragonar (magic themed, echhi, pretty average till now)


In the zone
take it from me that having such big collection is a pain to manage.make a short collection,watch it & move on.i actually have to spend time planning what to watch & when to watch.i have cut my bandwidth usage to less than half for over a year now because there is no point in increasing my collection when i haven't even watched 33% of my existing collection.believe it or not but i have to create text files containing list of anime series,manga,tv shows,movies & what not just to manage & avoid downloading same thing again by searching within these files first.

Manage a spreadsheet. I have one, in which I list where what content is, and if I have watched it or not.



Super Moderator
Staff member
i tried that but didn't like it.there are sites like mal to manage your watched/watching status with lots of options.furthermore my lists are not merely name/status etc as they contain tags & small info without which it would be very difficult to search for a particular series in a list containing 500+ titles.e.g.a series involving mecha & game-->search for mecha in text list-->find mecha series which has game as tag/info-->additional info mention a similar series.


[MENTION=126812]whitestar_999[/MENTION], i require the ones having anime and english TV series. Then i may also need to buy a 2-3 Tb HDD for copying that data.


Super Moderator
Staff member
[MENTION=145143]SaiyanGoku[/MENTION],you are the last person here i expect to make such a post considering with your access to a 100mbps connection you can fill a 2tb hdd within a month.:)


[MENTION=145143]SaiyanGoku[/MENTION],you are the last person here i expect to make such a post considering with your access to a 100mbps connection you can fill a 2tb hdd within a month.:)

Don't have that much time to download. searching for internship and want to prepare for GRE/GATE >_>

Anyways, if by any chance i visit NCR, i would like to exchange anime/manga from you. :)
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