Amnesia>>Dead Space>F.E.A.RIs it more scary than Dead Space series and FEAR ???
Is it more scary than Dead Space series and FEAR ???
lol..Is it more scary than Dead Space series and FEAR ???
I was going to play this after deadspace2(last level).how will you rate this game(scary) with deadspace 2 on a scale of 10.
Having no gun makes a lot of difference.
Deadspace is a different league (read resource heavy) and comparing from that POV amnesia is far more scary than it. Although barring that point I will say both are equally horrific, Amnesia is more like psychological, it screws with your mind. Deadspace is all about waryness and reflexes.
thanks.will try it
so what about deadspace 2(rate it also) ?
Ramu should make a Gameplay video of Amnesia & release it as a film, it will be better than his horror movie. "Phooooonk, Do.".
Will try to get this game and see if it works on my pc.
Btw , is it really so much creepy ?? Seriously ?