AMD Radeon HD 7990 Malta


I am the night...I am...
I don't have any option other than just hoping. Thing is i never gave up.

Not to worry mate. I exactly know what you mean. The prototype driver's presence proves that amd is definitely working things out.
They will certainly fix this. GCN is a new architecture and has untapped power.
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Adam young
I don't have any option other than just hoping. Thing is i never gave up.

don't worry bro,check that link which i have given in the last post you can see that actually that prototype driver looks like a new stable driver which has fixed everything and if it has fixed things for 7990 then it has also fixed it for 7970 CF because 7990 is just a CF of 7970 but in a single just wait for 2 more months your all misery will get a full stop.:wink:


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Sure, make sure to check the Graphics Card Thread on Sunday.

I have Metro 2033, Far Cry 3, Crysis, Crysis Warhead, Crysis 3, F1 2012, Dirt 3, Sleeping Dogs & Mostwanted Reboot in the Hit List. In case i miss some intense game, let me know.

On Topic : 13.4 & 13.5 beta catalyst as released on 24th april, has few good thing to please my eyes on the papers. Lets see, how it performs in the real world.

add Bioshock Infinite, Lost Planet 2, BF3, Batman: Arkham City, DiRT SD, 3DMark 13 and Resident Evil 6.


Guys i don't have few of games suggested by you all.. check my inventory from the siggy.


Super Moderator
Staff member
LP2, RE6 and 3Dmark has standalone benchmark suite which can be use without games and is free ... you may find some more on guru3d.


laborare est orare
D3P, just create an account in Tomshardware forum and check if somebody has already shared the link of the AMD Beta Driver which they sent for review. Also check in Guru3d download section. Plenty of times I have seen them to publish AMD experimental drivers before the official release.

Regarding CF, I think you can give RadeonPro a try. Although using the VSync techniques in RADEONPRO will reduce the maximum Frame rate to 50 to 60 FPS, the game play experience will be lot smoother.


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here's the link for leaked prototype drivers : though they are marked as 13.4 they are newer than 13.4 ;-)
AMD Catalyst 13.4 ( March 28) - techPowerUp! Forums

but acc to guru3d AMD Catalyst Frame Pacing Prototype v3 - 13.5 Beta 2 and many are saying they are getting smooth fps with this driver version in CF setup and the driver version is available to download on AMD's website.
Radeon HD 7990 review - Test Environment & equipment


Cyborg Agent
HARDOCP - Introduction - Radeon HD 7990 versus GeForce GTX TITAN Review
Hd7990,gtx titan,gtx680 SLI,hd7970 crossfire were compared at 5760*1200 i.e.triple monitor,each at 1920*1200.
HD7970 crossfire provided the best game-play experience as per it.


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The Bottom Line

We were impressed that one single video card, the GeForce GTX TITAN could provide us an above average gameplay experience in NV Surround across three displays at 5760x1200. The $999 GeForce GTX TITAN was even able to match the $999 AMD Radeon HD 7990 in gameplay experience in a few games. However, the more demanding games leaned toward the dual-GPU video cards for the best performance and experience at this resolution. As we look forward to other more demanding games in the future, like Metro: Last Light, dual-GPU may still be the faster solution.

In terms of price and nothing else, the $999 AMD Radeon HD 7990 video card is a better purchase than one single GeForce GTX TITAN. We know two TITAN's in 2-way SLI will blow HD 7990 out of the water, but it is also $1000 more expensive. However, the real show stopper is still two separate Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition video cards with CrossFire enabled. Those can be purchased at $100-200 less expensive than GeForce GTX TITAN or AMD Radeon HD 7990, and provide a lot more performance. 7970 GHz Edition CrossFire will win every time, and by a larger margin than Radeon HD 7990.

now did they ( HardOCP ) perform the test based on fraps fps or Frame Time Variance which is more practical like this :
Results: Battlefield 3 : AMD Radeon HD 7990: Eight Games And A Beastly Card For $1,000


Cyborg Agent
^^They did the normal frame latency testing involved.In they end they found that hd7970 for that setting provided the best game-play experience in the games they tested.
At that resolution the lower memory specs of gtx680 SLI was hampering its performance.

Check this thread:Radeon HD 7990 versus GeForce GTX TITAN Review @ [H]
Check posts #31 and #33.Both are editors related to their GPU testing.
#33 explains their perspective and testing according to them.
[H]ard|Forum - View Single Post - Radeon HD 7990 versus GeForce GTX TITAN Review @ [H]

from #33
When we (and I mean all video card editors at [H] collectively) talk about the "best gameplay experience", it means the highest playable settings that we can set for each game while still maintaining a smooth and enjoyable playing experience. We do capture fps data, but that is more to have something to graph to show our readers than it is something that we base our judgment on - we don't even keep the frame counter on screen when we are deciding playability. If the experience isn't smooth, regardless of frame rate, we will lower settings until it is smooth. We aren't running benchmarks, we are actually playing the game. This has been how [H] has done reviews for many years and has addressed the issue of smoothness long before the whole frame time debacle ever started.

Therefore, when Brent makes the statement that you quoted, he is speaking from the perspective of smoothness. Yes, on the publically available (and even non-publically available drivers), Crossfire with Eyefinity is NOT as smooth at a given frame rate as is SLI, however, since the Radeon cards usually deliver a faster frame rate, those extra frames help to smooth out the experience to the end user/gamer.

If you've got some time for some reading, feel free to look back across our Crossfire/SLI articles from the past few years where you will see what I have described being documented and written about by us....

According to it,hd7970 crossfire was smooth enough.In quite a number of cases allowed for game play at higher settings which also counts.


I am the night...I am...
Guess the drivers are starting to improve. A perfect working driver is actually inevitable. At some point of time, ( a lot sooner actually), its going to show up.
So i think all crossfire owners here should have a sigh of relief. Things are going to get better for them. :)


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Staff member
^^They did the normal frame latency testing involved.In they end they found that hd7970 for that setting provided the best game-play experience in the games they tested.
At that resolution the lower memory specs of gtx680 SLI was hampering its performance.

Check this thread:Radeon HD 7990 versus GeForce GTX TITAN Review @ [H]
Check posts #31 and #33.Both are editors related to their GPU testing.
#33 explains their perspective and testing according to them.
[H]ard|Forum - View Single Post - Radeon HD 7990 versus GeForce GTX TITAN Review @ [H]

According to it,hd7970 crossfire was smooth enough.In quite a number of cases allowed for game play at higher settings which also counts.

I can smell contradiction ;-)

Crossfire with Eyefinity is NOT as smooth at a given frame rate as is SLI, however, since the Radeon cards usually deliver a faster frame rate, those extra frames help to smooth out the experience to the end user/gamer.

just for example : say at 50 FPS SLI giving smoother experience and CF is not .. so now the same CF when setup is giving 60 FPS .. so does that mean the extra 10 FPS helps to smooth out experience of the gamer ?? Looking at the FTL test is telling another story though : From Tom's

The Radeon HD 7990 appears to serve up more than 100 FPS in Battlefield 3 using Ultra settings at a 2560x1440 resolution. It looks like it’s bumping into a platform limitation on our Core i7-3770K overclocked to 4 GHz, in fact. But when you play back the 90-second video of our benchmark, you clearly see that each visible frame is succeeded by a small runt that only shows up for a millisecond or two. When all of those are factored out, the average frame rate you actually experience is closer to 56.2—lower even than a GeForce GTX Titan. Two Radeon HD 7970s in CrossFire are subject to the exact same issue, yielding confirmation that this isn’t a product-specific phenomenon, but rather a problem that affects AMD’s technology.

anyway, starting from 13.5b2 and the prototype driver things are starting to change and I really hope AMD will give us some mature drivers to iron out this issue completely.


Cyborg Agent
Tomshardware results are on 2560*1440,PCPer had tested hd7970 crossfire at 5760*1080 but with catalyst 13.3 and results were not good.
May be with 13.5Beta 2 at 5760*1200 they(hardocp) find it smooth enough to have a decent experience.It seems they factored in things like ability to play at higher settings with hd7970 crossfire as they say that SLI was still much more smoother.

Clearly SLI is superior in terms of smoothness in general at this point.With newer drivers AMD should fix the issues with time.
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