All webhosting and domain related queries here.


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
Thanks Arijit,
I have applied no coupon they are offering this for 1st year (new or transferred), and I will go for free some hosting as it is just a static website. So i don't think that would be of any problem, just few free hosting website names from this thread.
View attachment 14134

Thanks for sharing.

Domain Names | Register Your Domain Name In India - GoDaddy

Anyone else intersted , use this link to actiuvate the offer.


In the zone
I got a .com domain at Rs. 109 from GoDaddy and a .net domain at Rs. 49 from bigrock both for an year. Lucky me :cool:


In the zone
Hey guys going to buy new & my first domain from for 650 rs/yr (.com) & [MENTION=22661]ManiDhillon[/MENTION] will host for me from his account.
Now the question is i know HTML/CSS & JS (basics) so how should i make that site?
Should i make it with Adobe dreamweaver ?
& need some tutorials....


Custom User Title
[MENTION=145360]kunalht[/MENTION], Well if you want a blog/photolog then installing wordpress is best choice. And if you want to do something else there are lots of websites who help you make your website with wysiwyg editors.


Custom User Title
Is it possible to change webhosting from one provider to another. like from 000webhost to maybe hostgator etc?

Are you talking about hosting space or domain name?
Anyway, in any case it is possible. If you are talking about just hosting space then buy new account and transfer you files via FTP or RSYNC. If you are talking about domain name then initiate domain transfer, validate your ownership and it will be done in 48 hours.


Is it possible to change webhosting from one provider to another. like from 000webhost to maybe hostgator etc?

Yes its possible.
But don't use 000webhost its super crap! Use ByetHost or Zymic if you want to start with free hosting. Hostgator too is jist over-popular because they pay very high to their affiliates (Upto $125 per sale!!!). Use bluehost or dreamhost.
Hello. I want to start a website with a chat application and a forum. New to this. So I gather that I need webhosting that allows me to upload applications, chat application and bulletin board software. I'm guessing that I will not need to know coding in PHP (I'm only fluent in HTML and CSS) since there are readymade software available on the net, but have to know how to configure the software, which I can learn. What kind of costs am I looking at? 700 rs.. 2000 rs...per month or what? Also, do I need to get a dedicated 'server' for this or normal webhosting? Which are the cheap but good quality webhosts?
I use Pretty cheap hosting; haven't had any problems in last 2 years.

I'll look into Outpowerhosting. I want to know one thing: Does the normal shared webhosting they offer, is it allowed to upload bulletin noard applications in it or only on dedicated servers? Also, if I go for shareed webhosting, am I likely to run into any kind of trouble?


You can upload and set up any kind of web app.
You'll get in trouble only if your installed apps become too cpu or memory intensive, beyond shared hosting quota, but that is very unlikely to happen.
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