Not sure if my question applies to this thread, but:
I have two modems, one is a DLink one connected to the BSNL line, which I use for the laptop, the other is an Onnet one which has a Tata Photon dongle connected to it, and I use it for my mobile and IPad. This one:
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I have a 1 GB plan for the Tata Photon one, and its validity is 1 month, but this time when I recharged it, the 1 GB got used in four days flat. I registered on the Tata Photon site and saw that on one day it is showing a usage of 300 MB, and on another, 600 MB, even though I hardly used it at all.
I suspect the Onnet Wifi connection has been hacked. I've read on the net that it is possible to hack the Wifi password; has anyone on this forum ever done this?
I've set a long Wifi password, and I've also changed the modem page password instead of admin : admin.
What I want to do is to connect only my mobile and IPad to the Onnet modem. I've read that you can set the MAC Address on the modem and then the modem will only connect to that particular device, so that even if someone gets hold of my Wifi password, it will be useless. Am I correct in thinking this can be done? I've earlier tried doing this to the DLink modem through my laptop, and everything got messed up and I had to reset and reconfigure the modem.