Star Trek - Discovery - Till EP08 - Ok I started this as I am a fan of ST:TOS, (ST basically as an entity) and have seen many subsequent movies and tv series on the same franchise, so in that regard I was a bit disappointed as this does not appeal as a ST show, or even in that timeline. This is said to be a prequel to the TOS, but I couldn't connect that way.
HOWEVER, I still LOVED it, why coz as a stand alone sci fi series it was good. Within 2 episodes I decided to let the ST association go and enjoy the series as maybe a separate entity, and I was able to. Sets are ultimate, effects are nothing short of any high-end current blockbuster movie. Yes performances could have been a little better, but it's not as bad as some of the reviews stated. Just 8 episodes out at present and I am at 5th and even though as I said it does not appear to be a ST show per se, I am still enjoying the ride and the thrill........6.8/10 for this