Truth Seeker
Late to the party but what the hell. So, I finished HIMYM. It was all good ...
but why the Ted went to Robin again? Last two season I couldn't take Robin's character. It was insane! I was yelling inside myself "oh come oooon!" every time Robin got back together with either Ted or Barney.
Also, from the episode where,
"Hi. I'm Ted Mosby. And exactly 45 days from now, you and I are gonna meet,....I love you.I'm always gonna love you, till the end of my days and beyond. You'll see."
After saying all this he went back to Robin! I was so excited for the almost perfect(would have been perfect but tracy died) end of this series. If you love someone with that much intensity(sorry couldn't find the correct word) for so many years(tracy)(they got marreid after 7yrs of their first meet+till the time when he went to robin again at the end) , then how can you love someone again with that much intensity(Robin), then what is the point of getting back with Robin at the end? And if someone says, Ted loved Robin all this time, how can Ted love Tracy "most", at the same time?
At the end when he went back to Robin, I felt like what the hell what is the point of telling the story.
Now I know some of you might say that is what exactly his kids said and he answered too but "NOOOOOooooo"
Though it had so many similarities to the Legendary "Friends", I would say, in the end it easily managed to be distinct from it. So many emotional moments!! It was definitely worth watching.
Best character for me is Lily. And best couple is "Marshall and Lily".
You should definitely watch the Alternative Ending on Youtube. And Rewatch the entire series (not now, may be later) then you'll surely get why he chose Robin in the end.