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die fillu
and wheres your typo
it was netter there instead of better

i even got a proof of his typo
see 'b' in the original comment, and 'B' in the quoted one
Yes the typo for b was changed :O.

Hows the calculator thing working out for you ? :D


Cyborg Agent
this is what happens to ou after prolonged IRCing
<Gigacore1> !timebomb Gigacore1
* TheMatrixHasYou stuffs the bomb into Gigacore1's pants. The display reads [27] seconds.
<TheMatrixHasYou> Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are two wires. They are White and Navy.
<Gigacore1> yay
* TheMatrixHasYou has kicked Gigacore1 from #think-digit (*BOOM!*)


God of Mistakes...
WTH hullap...

<@TheMatrixHasYou> I guess hullap is going to marry
<_Garbage_> ROFLOL
<hullap> no, hullap is kick-badass kid
<@TheMatrixHasYou> Ok hullap
<Voldy> haha run kid run
<Gigacore> hullap?
<@TheMatrixHasYou> I heard that hullap is kick-badass kid
<Voldy> no, hullap is kick ass bad kid
<@TheMatrixHasYou> Ok Voldy
<Gigacore> !hullap
<Gigacore> hullap!
<@TheMatrixHasYou> I guess hullap is kick ass bad kid
<Gigacore> loooooooooooooool
<_Garbage_> wth
<_Garbage_> this is sure gonna on IRC thread
<Voldy> ok enough Bot raping
<_Garbage_> :p
<_Garbage_> I R EVIL
<Voldy> Voldy!
<@TheMatrixHasYou> I guess Voldy is a l33t daemon
* iNFiNiTE (n=iNFiNiTE@unaffiliated/infinite) has joined #think-digit
<hullap> _Garbage_, no thou is stupid


14:53 *** mib_812e81 joined #think-digit
Welcome to the "Official" UnOfficial channel for ThinkDigit forums (*www.thinkdigit.com/forum) | Channel Stats: *kalpik.mtveurope.org/ | ThinkDigit is hiring full time/freelancers, send your resume to robert.smith@9dot9.in or editor@thinkdigit.com | Pls Check *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showthread.php?p=873315 | | *www.itbusiness.ca/it/client/en/home/News.asp?id=46692 - NELCOT Success Story
Topic set by pulsar on Wed Jul 16 2008 20:57:23 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
14:53 Kenshin_ hes back
14:53 mib_812e81 yep
14:53 mib_812e81 had gone to
14:53 aditya Kenshin_: no no.. no VCC there i know. I am asking in general.. almost all ICs have a pin named VCC... why 'CC'?
14:53 mib_812e81 lunch
14:53 Kenshin_ Men in Black --> mib??
14:53 Kenshin_ it all started with the transistor
14:54 Kenshin_ they kept it like tat i feel
14:54 aditya Kenshin_: aarrgghhh te mahiti aahe mala
14:54 Kenshin_ and if u see internal of an ic
14:54 aditya Kenshin_: :D
14:54 Kenshin_ its always the collector
14:54 aditya Kenshin_: yeah? internals might have FET...
14:54 iNFiNiTE 14:56:27 up 3:04, 1 user, load average: 0.11, 0.09, 0.04
14:54 Kenshin_ yeah
14:54 aditya no collector in FET :-o
14:54 Kenshin_ and they keep Vss also na
14:54 mibbit <mib_812e81>: No such nickname online.
14:54 aditya Vss o_O ...
14:54 Kenshin_ and Vee sumtimes
14:54 Kenshin_ yeah
14:54 aditya never saw vss
14:55 Kenshin_ its in teh LCD displays
14:55 aditya Vee yea... I know, dual supply is Vee.
14:55 Kenshin_ there are 3 pins
14:55 Kenshin_ Vss Vee and gnd
14:55 mibbit <kenshin_>: No such nickname online.
14:55 aditya Kenshin_: oh.. LCD and all... have not studid them yet... maybe this semester
14:55 mibbit <hullap>: No such nickname online.
14:55 Kenshin_ arey u won't study them ever
14:55 aditya Voldy: who told you whtevr bunks college to watch porn?
14:55 Kenshin_ there is nothin in the syllabus
14:56 aditya Voldy: he might actually be involved in the action :p
14:56 Kenshin_ try learin all these things from outside
14:56 mib_812e81 hey
14:56 mib_812e81 mujhe
14:56 mib_812e81 koi op
14:56 mib_812e81 banao
14:56 aditya Kenshin_: hmm... doing that... learning uController before it is in the syllabus
14:56 aditya mib_812e81: why?
14:56 mib_812e81 here is the command - /op <nick>
14:56 --- iNFiNiTE has banned *!i=3bb2a963@*.com/x-39a892930c298f2b
14:56 Kenshin_ yeahh
14:56 mib_812e81 aditya how did u do this
14:57 Kenshin_ he wants a star in front of him i feel :-|
14:57 aditya :D
14:57 *** Filled-Void joined #think-digit
14:57 hullap hey fillu
14:57 iNFiNiTE lolol
14:57 iNFiNiTE fillu?
14:57 aditya Filled-Void: you miseed all the action
14:57 hullap :p
14:57 iNFiNiTE hahahaha
14:57 Filled-Void ?
14:57 Kenshin_ hehe
14:57 aditya Filled-Void: you really missed all the action
14:57 aditya 15:00:41 up 3:21, 2 users, load average: 0.45, 0.36, 0.29
14:58 hullap Filled-Void: nerds are talking about lcd, run to ##think-digit
14:58 iNFiNiTE 15:00:05 up 3:07, 1 user, load average: 0.44, 0.21, 0.09
14:58 aditya Filled-Void: one guy was like 'give me op' 'give me op' ** 99
14:58 hullap lol
14:58 Kenshin_ hehe
14:58 Filled-Void pastebin XD
14:58 mib_812e81 vaise wht is op?
14:58 iNFiNiTE me banned him just now
14:58 iNFiNiTE :>
14:58 hullap wtf
14:58 --- iNFiNiTE has unbanned mib_812e81!*@*
14:58 hullap u banned mibbit?
14:58 hullap :|
14:58 *** pritish joined #think-digit
14:58 aditya wtf iNFiNiTE
14:59 --- iNFiNiTE has unbanned *!i=3bb2a963@*.com/x-39a892930c298f2b
14:59 iNFiNiTE hope u got the msg
14:59 iNFiNiTE he*
14:59 aditya someone paste it.. i am on irssi.. cannot copy more than 1 page
14:59 hullap die lol


lol @ hullap

Gigacore: _Garbage_: u have blog ?
_Garbage_: Gigacore, nope... :D
Gigacore: _Garbage_: ok..
_Garbage_: Gigacore, but have a un - maintained website
Gigacore: _Garbage_: oh ok
_Garbage_: Gigacore, *fullgarbage.com
Gigacore: lol man, whats this garbage all about ? u like them ?
hullap: lol
Gigacore: cool.. online java compiler.. I dont think its a junk
nitish_mythology left the room (quit: "Leaving").
iNFiNiTE: 16:05:25 up 4:13, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00
_Garbage_: Gigacore, it was my project for my graduation
_Garbage_: :D
Gigacore: _Garbage_: cool
Gigacore: but why garbage ?
Sukhdeep left the room (quit: "ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox]").
_Garbage_: :D
_Garbage_: it's FULL-Garbage ;)
Gigacore: uh
_Garbage_: ?
_Garbage_: Gigacore, project is good
_Garbage_: n I got 96 marks for that :D
Gigacore: _Garbage_: project is good man.. but why garbage for domain ?
hullap: Gigacore: if u touch _Garbage_, you will get dirty
hullap: :p

_Garbage_: Gigacore, aisehi...
Gigacore: hullap: so u have tried it rite ?
hullap: Gigacore: _Garbage_ is filthy rich :p
Gigacore: hullap: oh :p
hullap: Gigacore: tried what?
Gigacore: hullap: touching garbage
hullap: lol wtf
hullap: haha
Gigacore: :p
Gigacore: got pwned


wtf ! this is decline of human empire
Human? HAHAHAHAHA All IRC users are Aliens from various parts of the universe. I am from the Planet Zarthos. You can check with the IRC folk if you don't believe me.
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