Age Group of TDF Gamers

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Living to Play
Well college relationships are good for one thing at least wiz notes. You never have to write anything. :D:D I never write anything. :p


Lost in speed
16-25 scores high. Is it because of Schoolers/Collegegoers?
Because when i was in college, i'm mad like a hell for gaming.

NFS-MW & Empire earth were my favorites.
I'm 16(and 4 months). I don't remember since when I'm gaming, age of 4 probably(Dangerous Dave, Mario, Bow & Arrow, Paranoid, Contra, Adventure Island, Snow Bros.). :D

Dave, mario etc were the games I played when I was 8.. now I am 30 :p.. I was playing tekken 3, Diablo 2 ,max payne,mummy and IGI 12 years back .....
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