After Bangalore, Chennai too sees exodus


But until yet there were very few or almost no news of NE people being threatened by Muslims. And now we're seeing mass exodus. Why? The Muslims were provoked. They get provoked very easily. Internal & External elements both are responsible for the provocation.

During the protest in Mumbai organized by Raja Academy, inflammatory pamphlets were circulated among the crowd. That inflammatory material most probably contained

Result: The crowd got provoked. They injured several policemen. Burned Vehicles, Shops.

The next day of the Mumbai violence all the minority leaders and journalists went to 'meet' the PM. Police is helpless. Government won't allow them to take any action. They were not allowed to fire and there weapons were being snatched.

The govt. depends on this minority for votes. This is a major demerit of Democracy in India. The decisions are influenced by communal groups.

This is what you are not aware of.

Assamese people ask Marwari's , bihari's, Bengali's, Punjabi's to leave Assam and go away, however they never asked the Muslims to leave Assam, partly because of congress and partly because the outfit "ULFA" and others were getting weapons from PAK and such countries.

But in the recent past, things went little different.

And regarding the pictures/ morphed photos etc are just an eyewash from the Govt.

This was ought to happen one day.

Assamese people started the fight by talking about the Assam accord which is in fact dropped.

The subject is vast and is out of the scope of this forum. There is more to it then that meets the eyes !!


Bloody Con-gress has made this country a laughing stock and ruined it.

Blame I K Gujaral, this witless idiot dismantled all of RAW's covert operations in Pakistan, hoping those pigs would do the same. Well we sure know they didn't.

The Gujral Doctrine Killed Raw - time to revive RAW it in 2011


In search for Tech Gyan!
Guys! Please..... May I request no bulls**t against other countries/religions/ethnicity. Please don't make TDF a fighting ring like Youtube, which is full of all sorts of bulls**t against Indians and Pakistanis posted against each other by so called Pakistanis and Indians.


Cyborg Agent
Media is to be blamed too for repeated spreading news of exodus.

Also look at tweets by Journalist Sagarika (wife of Rajdeep -cnn ibn editor) and her ignorance about twitter :duh2:



BMG ftw!!
^^ That woman is making a fool of herself, period.
Those guys/gals who pretends to know everything, actually are the reason behind most of the problems in India, IMHO.
@mods: if you feel like this post is obstinate, feel free to delete it.


^^ I agree with d6bmg. and dot agree with Tech&ME.

Many Indian Nationals dont even know where Guwahati is, where Assam placed in Indian Map, the State of Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh even exist in India ot not. This is the sitution. Then why rally against some riots here. Situation is different here. Come here once and you will know yourself. And stitutions were not so bad before but after Mimbai roits.

This is what you are not aware of.

Assamese people ask Marwari's , bihari's, Bengali's, Punjabi's to leave Assam and go away, however they never asked the Muslims to leave Assam, partly because of congress and partly because the outfit "ULFA" and others were getting weapons from PAK and such countries.

We all know that many Indians are partial about their cast, mother tongue or religion. Soppose manager prefers a employee of his cast. This happens and we all have to agree.

This was/is happening in Assam and many natives were unemployed and humiliated in 90s, the sole region of EVERYTHING. And all these protests started then only provoked by Govt laws and politics. There are several other reasons that cant be discussed here.

In Assam many languages are spoken, several casts are there. So it makes sense to have few misunderstandings and clashs. But it should not be provoked. Before it was just between Bodo and bangdeshi illegal migrants. But Mumbai riots provoked it and took the whole NE region. It converted it to northeast vs muslim which is not so.

The Muslims are Assamese too. Dont ask me, ask them. Since muslims are Assamese, why should we drive them out? Tell me Tech&ME

Lastly I want to say Dont flee guys. This is our India no matter from which region we are, we have to stand united.

30,000 people boarded trains... just imagine, this 30,000 people stand united, who can harm you.
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^^ I agree with d6bmg. and dot agree with Tech&ME.

Few days ago 2 muslim groups threatehed all Bodo people from Barak Valley to get out of there by 25 Aug. Now thats what we dont like, you cant threat people of any cast to move out of their native place.
As for other people from other states, many Indian Nationals dont even know where Guwahati is, where Assam placed in Indian Map, the State of Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh even exist in India ot not. this is the sitution. Then why rally against some riots here. Situation is different here. Come here once and you will know yourself. And stitutions were not so bad before but after Mimbai roits.

As if you are aware of everything. What people demanded is a reservation in jobs... etc... and there are several reasons which can't be discussed here.

Do all of u agree that Indians are nutral and they don't prefer people of their cast, tongue or region?

This what I happening in Assam, the sole region of EVERYTHING. In Assam many languages are spoken, several casts are there. Not only Assamese speaking people are known as Assamese. When there are so many, it is common to have clash. but it should not be provoked. Before it was just Bodo and bangdeshi illegal migrants. But Mumbai riots provoked it and took the whole NE region.

The Muslims are Assamese too. Dont ask me, ask them. Since muslims are Assamese, why should we drive them out? Tell me Tech&ME

Muslims are Good. But yes they are provoked easily. The reason is simple. look around the world. So much is happening against them. Even we Hindus, Christians will be provoked if everybody look upon us like that.

Lastly I want to say Dont flee guys. This is our India no matter from which region we are, we have to stand united.

30,000 people boarded trains... just imagine, this 30,000 people stand united, who can harm you.

What are you telling dude ?

Muslims are Assamese ?? Where did you learn that ?

Since muslims are Assamese, why should we drive them out?

Oh, so you mean to say since marwari's , bihari's and punjabi's are not muslims or so called by your definition Assamese, you Assamese people have the right to ask them to go away ?!!

Dude, In 1991 most of non- Assamese speaking people were forced out of Assam if you know this. OR if you are just 15 or 16 years old kid, then ask your elder grand parents about it.

I don't want to start a war over here in this forum.


:lol: :lol: I donno what to say, muslims are not assamese. Who said you that ? God, you got to be kidding. I m in identity crisis now. :p

You missed my last second line "This is our India no matter from which region we are, we have to stand united. " This holds for everybody. Many marwari, Bihari and Punjabi are my friends. They live here in Guwahati.
Lastly you said Assamese never asked muslims to go away. Which made me wander why since muslims are assamese too. If there is a muslim guy whose mother tongue is Assamese, what would I say him man ? People like you with little knowledge provoke disputes.

One thing I want to make clear. Assamese is a language and cast. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian are religions. Assamese can be any of them.
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Cyborg Agent
30,000 people boarded trains... just imagine, this 30,000 people stand united, who can harm you.

Two people were killed in West Bengal after being pushed out of a Guwahati-bound train carrying Assamese fleeing Bangalore, officials said Sunday. Two more bodies were found on the tracks later with police suspecting they were also thrown out of a moving train.NEF Railway spokesman S. Hajong told IANS that 11 people were thrown out of the train shortly after it left New Jalpaiguri station.


Btw, bubusam, express yourself a bit clearly. Your posts are messy and misinterpretation is quite likely. :)


humm... may be because I was trying to write it short... haha..

@tripleclutch... no war here bro... have just posted here reading this lines

"This is what you are not aware of.

Assamese people ask Marwari's , bihari's, Bengali's, Punjabi's to leave Assam and go away, however they never asked the Muslims to leave Assam, partly because of congress and partly because the outfit "ULFA" and others were getting weapons from PAK and such countries.

Just wanna say, Assamese is a language and it refers to the people living in Assam. Religion is a different thing, muslim is a religion, an Assamese may be hindu, muslim or even buddhist.


:lol: :lol: I donno what to say, muslims are not assamese. Who said you that ? God, you got to be kidding. I m in identity crisis now. :p

You missed my last second line "This is our India no matter from which region we are, we have to stand united. " This holds for everybody. Many marwari, Bihari and Punjabi are my friends. They live here in Guwahati.
Lastly you said Assamese never asked muslims to go away. Which made me wander why since muslims are assamese too. If there is a muslim guy whose mother tongue is Assamese, what would I say him man ? People like you with little knowledge provoke disputes.

One thing I want to make clear. Assamese is a language and cast. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian are religions. Assamese can be any of them.


oh dear, so just answer my this questions

Q 1. : Are Assamese people Hindus or Muslims ??

Q 2. : Muslims mother tongue is Urdu or Assamese ?? [ this actually scares me, don't ask this to a religious muslim ]


The Slowest One
Answer for Q2 is Muslims mother tongue can be any language. I am Chennai currently. Here many native are Christian and Muslims but their mother tongue isn't Urdu, their mother tongue is Tamil. They have to learn Urdu cause Kuran is written in Urdu and all their daily prayer are done in Urdu language. Same for christians, first language learn by them is Tamil, then English as Bible is in English(I am not sure in which language bible is, sorry)

But now days Bible has a Tamil version too

Aand i think answer for your Q1 is Assamese could be Hindu, Muslims or Christian. Why? Cause Tamilian people are Hindu, Muslims or Christian. The statement "Just wanna say, Assamese is a language and it refers to the people living in Assam. Religion is a different thing, muslim is a religion, an Assamese may be hindu, muslim or even buddhist." by bubusam is correct


^^... thanks for answering. I tired of explaining him.

@Tech&ME... Assamese can be hindu also, muslim also, buddhist also, christian also. ok... suppose one Assamese speaking hindu got converted to buddhist religion. Wont he be assamese then.

Again, if you think Muslims' only language is urdu, what about Arab where Arbic is spoken ?


Answer for Q2 is Muslims mother tongue can be any language. I am Chennai currently. Here many native are Christian and Muslims but their mother tongue isn't Urdu, their mother tongue is Tamil. They have to learn Urdu cause Kuran is written in Urdu and all their daily prayer are done in Urdu language. Same for christians, first language learn by them is Tamil, then English as Bible is in English(I am not sure in which language bible is, sorry)

But now days Bible has a Tamil version too

Aand i think answer for your Q1 is Assamese could be Hindu, Muslims or Christian. Why? Cause Tamilian people are Hindu, Muslims or Christian. The statement "Just wanna say, Assamese is a language and it refers to the people living in Assam. Religion is a different thing, muslim is a religion, an Assamese may be hindu, muslim or even buddhist." by bubusam is correct

Great going........ dude !!

Boy if a person converts his religion from christian to muslim, they don't become a Complete Muslim or Islamic. It is just a eyewash.

A Real Muslim is one who was BORN as a Muslim in a Muslim family !!!

Do some knowledge mongering before you call Assamese people a Muslim.

^^... thanks for answering. I tired of explaining him.

@Tech&ME... Assamese can be hindu also, muslim also, buddhist also, christian also. ok... suppose one Assamese speaking hindu got converted to buddhist religion. Wont he be assamese then.

Again, if you think Muslims' only language is urdu, what about Arab where Arbic is spoken ?

:lol: :rofl:

So you mean to say, if one converts his/her religion, that makes him go Muslim from Hindus ???

Man, a True Muslim is the only one who was BORN a Muslim in a Muslim family.


The Slowest One
Here many native are Christian and Muslims but their mother tongue isn't Urdu, their mother tongue is Tamil.
Ok now?

@bubusam: my pleasure


Aspiring Novelist
Our media is to blame for this. My prayers are with the plight of these people.

Even Assamese people can be indigenous Muslim. For the record: Urdu is not the language of Muslims only. Most of North India speaks it. In fact, we cannot utter a line without using Urdu words. The semantics are same to Hindi, just that the vocabulary is different. It is an Indo-European language stream; but uses the Nastaliq script, and some loan words from Farsi and Arabic. A state like Assam hardly has Urdu words in their vocabulary, cause the Mughals could never cross over.
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