A viable option to drift away from IIT?


Cyborg Agent
Let's see.
Where IIT shines:
1. Superb academics. It is at par with top 20 colleges in the US.

Where IIT sucks:
1-100:Everything Else.

IIT is same as every other school/college in India. Professors solely focus on academics and nothing else. Compared to US universities, research done in IITs is negligible. Also take into account the govt. hostels(YEWWWW!!!) and not many foreign students take admission there. These factors contribute to a poor ranking. IIT is only good for engineering and therefore has a very poor overall ranking(256 for IIT-D).

My aim is to do a major in EECS(Electrical Engineering and Computer Science[Basically Computer Engineering]) and a minor in Performing Arts(Acting) so staying in India is not an option.

Of course B.Tech in India and then MS from abroad but then getting into MIT for MS becomes quite difficult as compared to US univs.

This deserves a lot of likes too!!! :)
So just SAT for other US univ. ? it means If i get a good SAT score I get get a better institute than IIT ? (just with a SAT score ?) and a bit of extra-curriculars ?


Superhuman Spambot
So just SAT for other US univ. ? it means If i get a good SAT score I get get a better institute than IIT ? (just with a SAT score ?) and a bit of extra-curriculars ?

Say if you fail/had failed once in class 9/10/11/12 then you can forget about colleges in USA.
For 25ish colleges, you require a good SAT score(I recommend 2200-2400)(This is by far the most imp).
A Good SAT 2 score(800 in any 2 subjects) solidify your chances.
ECs like being a prefect in school(Leadership qualities)+Dance/Music/Drama+Sports almost confirms your chances.
Good percentages(nothing solid, 85-95) in class 9+class 10+class 11+class 12(half-yearly) makes you eligible for better colleges and makes 25ish colleges almost sure-shot.
Nothing is 100% certain due to holistic nature of US admission process.


both are difficult in different ways.
for IIT you know, you have to solve really complex math equations and physics problems.

for SAT, mugging up so many words, making up for your non english native up bringing and dont know wht other crap is there in SAT.. will need lots of hardwork here as well.

critical reasoning also needs practice, intelligence.. its not like its easy. must understand that convoluted english. then make connections, find out assumptions and sh1t.

both place, lots of hardwork. SAT has no crazy math or physics questions.. but must require hard work in english. even if you think your english is great.


Cyborg Agent
Have been following thread for long, I suggest either get into IIT or IISc for undergrad & look into foreign Univ for PG
Unless you are a Panauti, you should get selected in 5-6/10.
Didn't got it.

both are difficult in different ways.
for IIT you know, you have to solve really complex math equations and physics problems.

for SAT, mugging up so many words, making up for your non english native up bringing and dont know wht other crap is there in SAT.. will need lots of hardwork here as well.

critical reasoning also needs practice, intelligence.. its not like its easy. must understand that convoluted english. then make connections, find out assumptions and sh1t.

both place, lots of hardwork. SAT has no crazy math or physics questions.. but must require hard work in english. even if you think your english is great.
I don't really have a great english but I am able to take Critical reasoning though I don't know how but I am able to understand complex english sentences or rather sentences of most poems.

Have been following thread for long, I suggest either get into IIT or IISc for undergrad & look into foreign Univ for PG
And why is that ? If im able to get in a better uiv. before hand without much handwork in those freaking maths and physics problems then what ?


See, I am quite sure to take up SAT. No doubt about that. Let me get this straight. I am a little bit fat (I don't look that fat, so don't misjudge) and don't indulge in activities such as dance and drama. So, in how many activities am I to prove myself?


Cyborg Agent
And why is that ? If im able to get in a better uiv. before hand without much handwork in those freaking maths and physics problems then what ?

My point is hard work is required any way & yeah a good foreign university is better any day.

Also your choice depends if you are going abroad just for better salary or actually contributing something to the science.
If it's first case (as is most of engg. students including me) then may be studying here can save you a lot of trouble, but for actually gaining something run away from this country


[MENTION=119733]Chaitanya[/MENTION] You are exactly telling me what I am actually going to do. RUN AWAY FROM THIS DAMN COUNTRY THAT OFFERS ****. No offence. I actually want to end up in EA, if you know what I mean!


Superhuman Spambot
See, I am quite sure to take up SAT. No doubt about that. Let me get this straight. I am a little bit fat (I don't look that fat, so don't misjudge) and don't indulge in activities such as dance and drama. So, in how many activities am I to prove myself?

Play chess. Participate in debating. Fat people can act. Impress your teachers with your hard work.

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Didn't got it.

I don't really have a great english but I am able to take Critical reasoning though I don't know how but I am able to understand complex english sentences or rather sentences of most poems.

And why is that ? If im able to get in a better uiv. before hand without much handwork in those freaking maths and physics problems then what ?

Panauti=Very unlucky person.

Don't compare SAT English to CBSE English. :lol:
I heard a student can score 100% with ample spelling mistakes. :rofl:
Play chess. Participate in debating. Fat people can act. Impress your teachers with your hard work.

- - - Updated - - -

Panauti=Very unlucky person.

Don't compare SAT English to CBSE English. :lol:
I heard a student can score 100% with ample spelling mistakes. :rofl:
Well, its just me when I type from keyboard though I don't make much mistakes when doing with a HAND.
Now, i've started too look at univ. tuition fees and i can't find better one(than IIT) for less than $40k and i was like wtf ! it seems its gonna be dream for me till i graduate and average financial aid is just about $15k . :unhappy:

Though i have now gained confidence that ill get admission but still can seem to get through the fees and actually i have to come to INDIA once in a year and it's costing about 1lakh ! wtf ! so I have a lot of travel charges where we don't have a car !


Superhuman Spambot
Now, i've started too look at univ. tuition fees and i can't find better one(than IIT) for less than $40k and i was like wtf ! it seems its gonna be dream for me till i graduate and average financial aid is just about $15k . :unhappy:

Though i have now gained confidence that ill get admission but still can seem to get through the fees and actually i have to come to INDIA once in a year and it's costing about 1lakh ! wtf ! so I have a lot of travel charges where we don't have a car !

I never said it was cheap.
Look at Harvard. I think it is free.


Look, not to boast or something, I have a decent English communication skill. I know that if I get into debates, I can certainly win. I am a guy who begins a debate topic while bathing. But I have stage fear. By stage fear, I mean I can speak in front of a group such as a group discussion (which I take part in and win) but not in debates which is in front of a large crowd.
Look, not to boast or something, I have a decent English communication skill. I know that if I get into debates, I can certainly win. I am a guy who begins a debate topic while bathing. But I have stage fear. By stage fear, I mean I can speak in front of a group such as a group discussion (which I take part in and win) but not in debates which is in front of a large crowd.
Then you probably should develop this habit as it turns out in the thread that you must be so much confident about yourself that no one is able to change you or things around you.(should may get what I m trying to convey, though I used metaphor :lol: )So, what im trying to say is you have to learn to be able to speak in front of a crowd, i would rather help here cuz im not able to speak in a group but rather a crowd (lol again)

So, at first look what target audience is. If they are your classmates, colleges or just friends then its nothing to worry about. You can also take part in comparing or hosting our school shows.

And be experience about what your speaking medium is, with this I meant mic or open. If mic then remember you will have a Feedback of voice so many people get scared usually that they maybe screwing up so keep those things in mind and you are good to go !

As for me im gonna stick to India for now as it turns out that it's not a cheap option even with financial aid.

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PART II for speaking in front of a crowd is coming soon ! :lol:


Superhuman Spambot
The first time I was in front of a crowd, I was in a debate audition. My legs wouldn't stop trembling. Today, I speak with confidence paying no heed to the audience. I am the best actor in my school and a debater too.
The audience IS going to laugh at your mistakes. Just ask yourself "So what?" I seriously don't give a damn when I speak. I will speak no matter what the audience is doing laughing or crying. Even if they laugh and the very next sentence of yours is full of confidence, the laughing will cease instantaneously.
During plays, instead of thinking "Oh what a big crowd! What if I make a mistake in my dialogues?", think "Oh I have such a great opportunity to perform in front of such a big audience!"
Nowadays, the bigger the audience, the more confident I become.


This, I have to try. Until then, I will stick to hosting and group discussions. Btw, is it ok to join an IIT coaching institute for my preparation?! (SAT of course)


Superhuman Spambot
This, I have to try. Until then, I will stick to hosting and group discussions. Btw, is it ok to join an IIT coaching institute for my preparation?! (SAT of course)

IIT Coaching Institute for SAT preparation? :-?
That sounds pretty messed up.
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