some observations:
1. post 2005 hardware can easily run vista ? MY pc was bought in september 2005. see my siggy. what about it ? It was a MAINSTREAM pc at that time. It cost 33k, and was as good as, if not better than average PCs at that time. Vista runs on late 2006 era hardware, and it was released on early 2007. THATS the reason its been called heavy. but windowsxp users at the the xp release time who were using 500mhz processors running windows 98 had to only double the RAM, by adding an extra stick in the spare ram slot to start using XP.
2. I use commandline because its easy. end of story. much easier doing pacman -S firefox than firing up IE to download firefox after going to its website and then clicking download, waiting for download to get over, closing ie, opening the downloaded executable, running it, keying in options in the wizard and then pressing a few buttons, letting install get over and then clicking finish. If the second way is easier for you, then so be it. Use Vista.