90.6% Indians still dont have Computer/Laptop!!!

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The main problem? Population. No one has asked the poor for endless production of children when they can't afford basic necessities for themselves. And don't blame Govt. or politicians for this.


Steam High Templar
The main problem? Population. No one has asked the poor for endless production of children when they can't afford basic necessities for themselves. And don't blame Govt. or politicians for this.

:yeahright: the poor f**k for entertaintment. they don't have anything else to do
what the government can do is to provide contraceptives free to the poor


Super Moderator
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:yeahright: the poor f**k for entertaintment. they don't have anything else to do
what the government can do is to provide contraceptives free to the poor

Govt. has spend enough on Nirodh and Nasbandi over the years, it is the people who are not very fond of the idea of having sex just for fun, blame it on our tradition, culture, economy whatever.


Game & anime Lover
Govt. has spend enough on Nirodh and Nasbandi over the years, it is the people who are not very fond of the idea of having sex just for fun, blame it on our tradition, culture, economy whatever.

LOL what the thread has lead us to.......


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
There really is no need or use of a computer for people lacking basic amenities.

Ask a typical farmer what he needs more.A desktop and Internet to access information or electricity for irrigation.I know what he'd prefer.
As I said read what I meant. Nowhere did I talk about "priorities" and comparing both will be like comparing apples to oranges. Yes indeed he does need seeds, irrigation, for basic needs far more than anything else but that does not mean there should not be progress technologically wise to bring basic computing and internet to access to an Indian farmer to enpower them and what not. It doesn't mean the farmer has to own a computer, but simply having access to the technology will definitely increase the quality of life of a farmer (which someone suggested and you agreed with).

Secondly neither of these stuff should stop the other. For one set of farmers, you'll strive to bring better seeds, irrigation, etc. while for others who already have those privileges we have to up to the next stage with machines, access to technology, etc. This is called progress and under no circumstances should be limited to one single viewpoint.

If you ask me; technology is no way a luxury, and the impact of technology on education (which is only one thing for a start) - which is every bit as important as anything else in our lives, can never be overstated, sadly people stick to medieval thoughts and beliefs.

So i take it you're....... English?
computers/laptops comes figures like no.6 on people's priority list
1.food & nutrition
3. literacy(how on earth can you make full use of a PC if you're not literate)
4.electricity(solar power PC's are not mainstream....yet)
5.good income/money(money to buy a PC.standard rig's come for 20k min.a debt-ridden farmer generally cant afford that)
I never made a priority list or mentioned anything close to that. Improve your comprehension skills. Secondly keep that "Are you English" crap with yourself, not accepting the criticism of their own country is another idioticity we Indians suffer from.

Govt. has spend enough on Nirodh and Nasbandi over the years, it is the people who are not very fond of the idea of having sex just for fun, blame it on our tradition, culture, economy whatever.

Yup, the issue is the mentality of underprivileged Indians according to whom, more kids implies more hands to beg/labour and henceforth more income. Medieval standard of living and backward + retarded culture doesn't help either.


I never made a priority list or mentioned anything close to that. Improve your comprehension skills. Secondly keep that "Are you English" crap with yourself, not accepting the criticism of their own country is another idioticity we Indians suffer from..

Well said.:agreed:


Steam High Templar
I never made a priority list or mentioned anything close to that. Improve your comprehension skills. Secondly keep that "Are you English" crap at yourself, not accepting the criticism of their own country is another idioticity we Indians suffer from.

1.i never said that you made a priority list or anything.i made the priority list thing just to give you the idea that computers aren't foremost for most(poor) people.other basic necessities come first

retarded culture doesn't help either.
you're calling our culture retarded?(i agree we have a serious poverty problem but our culture is not at fault)
stop criticizing your country for everything. India may not be as great as developed countries but we are better off than most developing countries

Yup, the issue is the mentality of underprivileged Indians according to whom, more kids implies more hands to beg/labour and henceforth more income..

good point.:yeahright: i never thought about it


Super Moderator
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Secondly neither of these stuff should stop the other. For one set of farmers, you'll strive to bring better seeds, irrigation, etc. while for others who already have those privileges we have to up to the next stage with machines, access to technology, etc. This is called progress and under no circumstances should be limited to one single viewpoint.

This. Nicely put up mate. :thumbs:


Steam High Templar
Right on target.
Education may solve this.
Nice idea:idea: :-D but...the poor generally feel education is (useless/waste of money/time and other sorts of non-progressive crap) and kids can help more in the house or can be sent to the farm to work
this medieval mindset has to be changed by creating awareness.and then poor can be given education so that they may make full use of it


Super Moderator
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this medieval mindset has to be changed by creating awareness.and then poor can be given education so that they may make full use of it

This. Has to be changed, but its not easy to change the mindset of rural folks. Try talking with one of them and you will know. ;)

Still things are improving. I have seen changes over the years at my ancestor's place. The pace is painfully slow, but still things are improving. You can't change human beings overnight.


Steam High Templar
This. Has to be changed, but its not easy to change the mindset of rural folks. Try talking with one of them and you will know. ;)

Still things are improving. I have seen changes over the years at my ancestor's place. The pace is painfully slow, but still things are improving. You can't change human beings overnight.

True. their mindsets have to be changed. but its though to talk sense to them


Super Moderator
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@Anorion: Neither they should have dozens. ;)

BTW, I have never said they shouldn't have any.


In the zone
I see a lot of people are talking about what has to be changed, and what needs to be done. But the question is, who is ready to bring the change? How many of us talking in this forum are ready to take up a responsibility to create awareness?
I would say that the fundamental problem is not creating awareness and what needs to be changed, but who is ready to bring the change and create awareness. So unless we figure out how to bring people forward who can bring change, no matter how many census we put forth, these census figures will not change much.


Sith Lord
Staff member
ok village people are not idiots, they are usually smart enough to get what they want, the fact that more people have television than toilets just goes to show that more people prolly choose to have television over toilets
while they are not idiots, they are wild, you never know what kind of use or abuse they will come up with everything new that is introduced to them
mostly this progress and western culture have ruined villages... the villagers themselves will be the first to accept it... people start becoming greedy and money minded
just think how much of these things you need to live comfortably, if you have good food and a good home, a television, computer, mobile phone etc are just superficial distractions that dont really make your life easier
and if you listen to our own elders, most of them refused to bathe or have a toilet in the same house where you slept and had the kitchen - it had to be in a separate area well away from the house. Now that was hygienic.


Super Moderator
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What about clothes, that's luxury too. You need nothing except food and shelter, if you strip down to bare minimum (no pun). And what about the technology that provides us our food and shelter, we can't really start eating raw. How are you going to dispense with that?

Regarding mobile phones, they do have made our life easier, like ordering food when you are not in a position to cook.

And poor/villagers are equally money minded like others much before the so-called Western culture invaded their lives. The milkman is one of my favourite example.
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