
  1. B

    Suggest a Power Supply

    i3-2120 intel DH61WW ATI Radeon HD 5450 2GB Seagate Momentous 320 GB HHD 4 GB transcend RAM some cheap cabinet Is Corsair VS350 good enough for this rig? if not suggest some other psu below 2500 rs. Note that I am NEVER going to make anymore modifications in this rig.
  2. anirbandd

    New Laptop buying suggestion ~25K

    1) What is your budget? (INR or USD): 35K 2) What size & weight consideration (if any) would you prefer? Mainstream; 15" - 16" screen 3) Are there any brands that you prefer or any you really don't like? a. Like: None b. Dislike: None Actually i never owned a laptop and dont...
  3. C

    AVerTV Volar Go M A833 On Ubuntu 13.04

    I am trying to get my AVerTV Volar Go TV tuner card working on Ubuntu. When i install the driver, i get error Running installer... Start to compile objects... make -C /lib/modules/3.8.0-26-generic/build O=/lib/modules/3.8.0-26-generic/build SUBDIRS=`pwd` modules make[1]: Entering...
  4. Skyh3ck

    how to combine two VCD movie into single file and convert it

    hello i have a movie in 2 VCD in AVSEQ.DAT format, now i want to joint files from both the VCD to make a single file. can anyone please suggest some easy to use freeware and method to do it
  5. CommanderShawnzer

    Will Console/PC gaming die?

    Just paste these lines in Google "Console gaming will die" You will find a horde of different links pointing to Doom-n-Gloom articles about how console gaming is dying and mobile games will be the future :rolleyes: Is this really possible? :chinscratch: *Keep in mind that if both the...
  6. anirbandd

    Radeon Pro Errors

    Hi, I use Radeon Pro there are a couple of problems with it.. Any fixes/Version changes?? no one??
  7. A

    Laptop Wifi

    Hi I have a sony vaio laptop sve1513ynb. I have installed window 7 utlimate version 32-bit. I want to know how do I make a laptop as wifi hotspot. Any drivers that I need to install first?
  8. RCuber

    99 Life Hacks to make your life easier!

    Found these .. very good and practical tips.. CREDITS:99 Life Hacks to make your life easier! - Imeimei
  9. S

    A Good Programming Language To Learn!!!

    I have finished my graduation and am currently doing my MS. I am good at C/C++ programming, so i would like to learn another programming language which is interesting and does have demand in the market so that i can make my resume strong. Kindly suggest me some programming languages accordingly.
  10. roypurohit

    T-Mobile may launch the first 5G LTE-Advanced network

    Rumours abound about T-Mobile “5G” LTE, with upload and download speeds already tested at 300Mbps. Currently, 4G LTE connections are tested at about a third of that, but rarely reach their full potential, usually capping off at about 50Mbps. T-Mobile was among the last of the major carriers to...
  11. K

    To default how?

    Hi Guys, I made some changes on Windows 7 Ultimate WORD PAD unfortunately. I would like to make the WORD PAD TO ITS DEFAULT CONDITION completly. How to do that?
  12. stellar

    Adding another HDD

    I have 80 GB Pata HDD and it's getting low on space.I am thinking of adding another 500GB SATA. What I want to do is make the new 500 GB HDD primary and old one secondary for backups. And also make it my OS HDD. How can i transfer all my OS and files to the new HDD. IS it possible to do by...
  13. J

    Creating an android app(business card reader app)

    Okay so I have this college project. I have to make an android app that clicks the picture of a business card and saves the information to the contacts list of the phone. Now I have figured out how to take the picture and make the app access the saved picture. But how do I retrieve the contact...
  14. T

    How much does one make from websites such as TDF?

    Yup, after visiting endless forums on the web, I ask this to myself , how much does one make from these? Does the revenue come from advertising? I don't see any ads after I registered here. If your website gets traffic, would that convert into money?
  15. anmolksharma

    An MCA Student needs your advice, suggestions and tips!

    An MCA Student needs your advice, suggestions and tips! EDIT:Wants tips for CAT preparations as well Hi guys, I am doing MCA, second semester from IP University, Delhi. Before that I have done BCA from IP University. Now my purpose of creating this thread is to seek your advice...
  16. O

    creating my custom pc cabinet(based on a reactor theme) images included

    hi people i m making a new case to house ma mobo n all foll are specs: i53570 msi z77a g45 G.Skill RipjawsX 1600 MHz 8 GB x2 (3000x2) Sapphire HD7950 3 GB vapourX (20000) corsair psu (750 watts) (it will...
  17. M

    Setting-up a complete home network - Need Help!

    Friends, I am ambitious to make a connected fully home and I am looking forward your advice and ideas to full fill my dream. I am ready to spend around Rs.20000/- for all over and if really necessary I can pust my budget little more. So friends, here are my list of my products I have following...
  18. S

    gaming rig under 45K

    i want to buy only a cpu for gaming only i want an i5 processer and a gtx 660 what all others things i need to make a good gaming pc will buy pc in a week
  19. ithehappy

    Is there any software to make desktop run on low power mode?

    As the title says.....I keep my PC on for downloading for long time, sometimes for straight three/four days, so I was wondering if there is some software which could make it run on a low power mode just enough for downloading? I find it meaningless to have the desktop at full power just for some...
  20. D

    How to make a high quality PDFs?

    Hello, I want to make high quality pdf files like the one of companies annual report. After zooming too much the images doesn't loses the quality. I tried converting a word document to pdf using Nitro PDF Pro with high quality export settings. The final output was lost image quality. How can...
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